Alberto Serra
Alberto Serra
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Indoor pedestrian navigation system using a modern smartphone
A Serra, D Carboni, V Marotto
Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Human computer …, 2010
Humanizing the Internet of Things-Toward a Human-centered Internet-and-web of Things.
A Pintus, D Carboni, A Serra, A Manchinu
WEBIST, 498-503, 2015
Inertial navigation systems for user-centric indoor applications
A Serra, T Dessě, D Carboni, V Popescu, L Atzori
Networked and Electronic Media Summit, Barcelona 2, 2010
Orientation analysis through a gyroscope sensor for indoor navigation systems
V Marotto, M Sole, T Dessě, A Manchinu, D Carboni, A Serra
Proceedings of The Fourth International Conference on Sensor Device …, 2013
CityScripts: Unifying Web, IoT and Smart City Services in a Smart Citizen Workspace.
A Badii, D Carboni, A Pintus, A Piras, A Serra, M Tiemann, N Viswanathan
JoWUA 4 (3), 58-78, 2013
Infrastructure-free indoor navigation: a case study
D Carboni, A Manchinu, V Marotto, A Piras, A Serra
Journal of Location Based Services 9 (1), 33-54, 2015
Using the Web of Data in Semantic Sensor Networks
C Lai, A Pintus, A Serra
Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems, 106-116, 2017
Scripting a Smart City: The CityScripts Experiment in Santander
D Carboni, A Pintus, A Piras, A Serra, A Badii, M Tiemann
2013 27th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and …, 2013
Design and Implementation of a Cloud-Based Platform for Unleashing the Personal and Communal Internet of Things
I Elicegui, C López, L Sánchez, J Lanza, L Muńoz, A Pintus, A Manchinu, ...
Mobile Information Systems 2017, 14, 2017
SocIoTal-The development and architecture of a social IoT framework
J Bernal Bernabé, I Elicegui Maestro, E Gandrille, N Gligoric, A Gluhak, ...
IEEE, 2017
Making Onlife Principles into Actionable Guidelines for Smart City Frameworks and# IoT Policies
N Gligoric, C Hennebert, S Krco, C Lopez, I Maestro, CŐ Reilly, M Nati, ...
Designing, Developing, and Facilitating Smart Cities, 33-48, 2017
Smart City Services for Citizen-Centric Internet of Things
N Gligorid, S Krco, D Drajic, I Elicegui, C López, L Sánchez, M Nati, ...
ICIST 2015, 2015
A Mobile Browser for Geo-referenced Images using an Accelerometer-based Compass.
F Massidda, R Manca, D Carboni, A Serra
WEBIST, 431-434, 2009
Il sistema al momento non puň eseguire l'operazione. Riprova piů tardi.
Articoli 1–13