Djuradj Milosevic
Djuradj Milosevic
University of Nis, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics
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Spatio-temporal pattern of the Chironomidae community: toward the use of non-biting midges in bioassessment programs
D Milošević, V Simić, M Stojković, D Čerba, D Mančev, A Petrović, ...
Aquatic Ecology 47, 37-55, 2013
Spatial monitoring of heavy metals in the inland waters of Serbia: a multispecies approach based on commercial fish
A Milošković, B Dojčinović, S Kovačević, N Radojković, M Radenković, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23, 9918-9933, 2016
Exposure to a microplastic mixture is altering the life traits and is causing deformities in the non-biting midge Chironomus riparius Meigen (1804)
J Stanković, D Milošević, D Savić-Zdraković, G Yalçın, D Yildiz, ...
Environmental Pollution 262, 114248, 2020
Application of deep learning in aquatic bioassessment: Towards automated identification of non-biting midges
D Milošević, A Milosavljević, B Predić, AS Medeiros, D Savić-Zdravković, ...
Science of the Total Environment 711, 135160, 2020
Effects of a microplastic mixture differ across trophic levels and taxa in a freshwater food web: In situ mesocosm experiment
D Yıldız, G Yalçın, B Jovanović, DS Boukal, L Vebrová, D Riha, ...
Science of the Total Environment 836, 155407, 2022
Chironomid faunal composition represented by taxonomic distinctness index reveals environmental change in a lotic system over three decades
D Milošević, V Simić, M Stojković, I Živić
Hydrobiologia 683, 69-82, 2012
The application of Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) for unconstrained ordination and classification of biological indicators in aquatic ecology
D Milošević, AS Medeiros, MS Piperac, D Cvijanović, J Soininen, ...
Science of The Total Environment 815, 152365, 2022
Host range patterning of parasitoid wasps Aphidiinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)
V Žikić, M Lazarević, D Milošević
Zoologischer Anzeiger 268, 75-83, 2017
Visualization of fish community distribution patterns using the self-organizing map: A case study of the Great Morava River system (Serbia)
M Stojkovic, V Simic, D Milosevic, D Mancev, T Penczak
Ecological modelling 248, 20-29, 2013
In situ effects of a microplastic mixture on the community structure of benthic macroinvertebrates in a freshwater pond
J Stanković, D Milošević, B Jovanović, D Savić‐Zdravković, A Petrović, ...
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 41 (4), 888-895, 2022
Potentially toxic elements in freshwater (Alburnus spp.) and marine (Sardina pilchardus) sardines from the Western Balkan Peninsula: An assessment of human health risk and …
A Milošković, Đ Milošević, N Radojković, M Radenković, S Đuretanović, ...
Science of the Total Environment 644, 899-906, 2018
The response of chironomid taxonomy-and functional trait-based metrics to fish farm effluent pollution in lotic systems
D Milošević, K Stojanović, A Djurdjević, Z Marković, MS Piperac, M Živić, ...
Environmental pollution 242, 1058-1066, 2018
The potential of chironomid larvae-based metrics in the bioassessment of non-wadeable rivers
D Milošević, D Mančev, D Čerba, MS Piperac, N Popović, A Atanacković, ...
Science of the total environment 616, 472-479, 2018
Aquatic macroinvertebrates of the Sava River
A Lucić, M Paunović, J Tomović, S Kovačević, K Zorić, V Simić, ...
The Sava River, 335-359, 2015
Different aggregation approaches in the chironomid community and the threshold of acceptable information loss
D Milošević, M Stojković, D Čerba, A Petrović, M Paunović, V Simić
Hydrobiologia 727, 35-50, 2014
Can phytoplankton blooming be harmful to benthic organisms? The toxic influence of Anabaena sp. and Chlorella sp. on Chironomus riparius larvae
N Stanković, I Kostić, B Jovanović, D Savić-Zdravković, S Matić, J Bašić, ...
Science of the Total Environment 729, 138666, 2020
Application of macroinvertebrate multimetrics as a measure of the impact of anthropogenic modification of spring habitats
V Pešić, D Dmitrović, A Savić, Đ Milošević, A Zawal, V Vukašinović‐Pešić, ...
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 29 (3), 341-352, 2019
An environmentally relevant concentration of titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles induces morphological changes in the mouthparts of Chironomus tentans
D Savić-Zdravković, B Jovanović, A Đurđević, M Stojković-Piperac, ...
Chemosphere 211, 489-499, 2018
Diversity of brown trout Salmo cf. trutta in the River Danube basin of Western Balkans as assessed from the structure of their mitochondrial Control Region …
P Simonović, A Tošić, D Škraba Jurlina, V Nikolić, M Piria, T Tomljanović, ...
Journal of Ichthyology 57, 603-616, 2017
Taxon-specific sensitivities to flow intermittence reveal macroinvertebrates as potential bioindicators of intermittent rivers and streams
M Miliša, R Stubbington, T Datry, N Cid, N Bonada, M Šumanović, ...
Science of the total environment 804, 150022, 2022
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