Marcelo Farias
Marcelo Farias
Profesor Asociado Universidad de Chile
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Late Miocene high and rapid surface uplift and its erosional response in the Andes of central Chile (33–35 S)
M Farías, R Charrier, S Carretier, J Martinod, A Fock, D Campbell, ...
Tectonics 27 (1), 2008
Late Cenozoic deformation and uplift of the western flank of the Altiplano: Evidence from the depositional, tectonic, and geomorphologic evolution and shallow seismic activity …
M Farías, R Charrier, D Comte, J Martinod, G Hérail
Tectonics 24 (4), 2005
Andean uplift, ocean cooling and Atacama hyperaridity: A climate modeling perspective
RD Garreaud, A Molina, M Farias
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 292 (1-2), 39-50, 2010
Crustal‐scale structural architecture in central Chile based on seismicity and surface geology: Implications for Andean mountain building
M Farías, D Comte, R Charrier, J Martinod, C David, A Tassara, F Tapia, ...
Tectonics 29 (3), 2010
Land-Level Changes Produced by the Mw 8.8 2010 Chilean Earthquake
M Farías, G Vargas, A Tassara, S Carretier, S Baize, D Melnick, K Bataille
Science 329 (5994), 916-916, 2010
Crustal extensional faulting triggered by the 2010 Chilean earthquake: The Pichilemu Seismic Sequence
M Farías, D Comte, S Roecker, D Carrizo, M Pardo
Tectonics 30 (6), 2011
Coastal uplift and tsunami effects associated to the 2010 Mw8. 8 Maule earthquake in Central Chile
G Vargas, M Farias, S Carretier, A Tassara, S Baize, D Melnick
Andean Geology 38 (1), 219-238, 2011
Slope and climate variability control of erosion in the Andes of central Chile
S Carretier, V Regard, R Vassallo, G Aguilar, J Martinod, R Riquelme, ...
Geology 41 (2), 195-198, 2013
Evolución tectónica, paleogeográfica y metalogénica durante el Cenozoico en los Andes de Chile norte y central e implicaciones para las regiones adyacentes de Bolivia y Argentina
R Charrier, M Farías, V Maksaev
Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 65 (1), 05-35, 2009
Fallas de vergencia oeste en la Cordillera Principal de Chile Central: Inversión de la cuenca de Abanico (33-34 S)
A Fock, R Charrier, M Farías, M Muñoz
Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina, Publicación Especial 6, 48-55, 2006
Late Miocene–Holocene canyon incision in the western Altiplano, northern Chile: tectonic or climatic forcing?
M García, R Riquelme, M Farías, G Hérail, R Charrier
Journal of the Geological Society 168 (4), 1047-1060, 2011
Cenozoic tectonic evolution in the Central Andes in northern Chile and west central Bolivia: implications for paleogeographic, magmatic and mountain building evolution
R Charrier, G Hérail, L Pinto, M García, R Riquelme, M Farías, N Muñoz
International Journal of Earth Sciences 102, 235-264, 2013
Differences in 10Be concentrations between river sand, gravel and pebbles along the western side of the central Andes
S Carretier, V Regard, R Vassallo, G Aguilar, J Martinod, R Riquelme, ...
Quaternary Geochronology 27, 33-51, 2015
Continental margin deformation along the Andean subduction zone: Thermo-mechanical models
M Gerbault, J Cembrano, C Mpodozis, M Farias, M Pardo
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 177 (3-4), 180-205, 2009
Neotectonic reactivation of the western section of the Malargüe fold and thrust belt (Tromen volcanic plateau, Southern Central Andes)
L Sagripanti, EAR Vera, GM Gianni, A Folguera, JE Harvey, M Farías, ...
Geomorphology 232, 164-181, 2015
The nature of the subduction wedge in an erosive margin: Insights from the analysis of aftershocks of the 2015 Mw 8.3 Illapel earthquake beneath the Chilean Coastal Range
D Comte, M Farias, S Roecker, R Russo
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 520, 50-62, 2019
Detrital and volcanic zircon U–Pb ages from southern Mendoza (Argentina): An insight on the source regions in the northern part of the Neuquén Basin
M Naipauer, F Tapia, J Mescua, M Farías, MM Pimentel, VA Ramos
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 64, 434-451, 2015
Extensional tectonics during Late Cretaceous evolution of the Southern Central Andes: Evidence from the Chilean main range at~ 35 S
M Muñoz, F Tapia, M Persico, M Benoit, R Charrier, M Farías, A Rojas
Tectonophysics 744, 93-117, 2018
The first Andean compressive tectonic phase: Sedimentologic and structural analysis of mid‐Cretaceous deposits in the Coastal Cordillera, Central Chile (32 50′ S)
D Boyce, R Charrier, M Farías
Tectonics 39 (2), e2019TC005825, 2020
Erosion in the Chilean Andes between 27 S and 39 S: tectonic, climatic and geomorphic control
S Carretier, V Tolorza, MP Rodríguez, E Pepin, G Aguilar, V Regard, ...
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 399 (1), 401-418, 2015
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Articles 1–20