Sergio Lo Iacono
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Cited by
COVID-19 vulnerability and perceived norm violations predict loss of social trust: A pre-post study
S Lo Iacono, W Przepiorka, V Buskens, R Corten, A van de Rijt
Social Science & Medicine 291, 114513, 2021
Does community social embeddedness promote generalized trust? An experimental test of the spillover effect
S Lo Iacono
Social Science Research 73, 126-145, 2018
Honesty and dishonesty in gossip strategies: a fitness interdependence analysis
J Wu, S Számadó, P Barclay, B Beersma, TD Dores Cruz, S Lo Iacono, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 376 (1838), 20200300, 2021
Law-breaking, fairness, and generalized trust: The mediating role of trust in institutions
S Lo Iacono
Plos one 14 (8), e0220160, 2019
The Effect of Trusting and Trustworthy Environments on the Provision of Public Goods
S Lo Iacono, B Sonmez
European Sociological Review 37 (1), 155-168, 2020
(Re) Productive Discourses: Media Coverage of Children Born of War in Colombia
T Sanchez Parra, S Lo Iacono
Bulletin of Latin American Research 39 (1), 22-36, 2019
The competitive advantage of sanctioning institutions revisited: A multilab replication
S Lo Iacono, W Przepiorka, V Buskens, R Corten, M van Assen, ...
PNAS Nexus 2 (5), pgad091, 2023
Trust and Strength of Family Ties: New Experimental Evidence
J Ermisch, D Gambetta, S Lo Iacono, B Sonmez
Social Psychology Quarterly, 01902725231162074, 2023
Returns to foreign and host country qualifications: Evidence from the US on the labour market placement of migrants and the second generation
S Lo Iacono, N Demireva
Social inclusion 6, 142-152, 2018
Contextual Economic Conditions, Institutions and Social Trust: Trends and Cross-National Differences in Europe, 2002-2017
S Lo Iacono, M Quaranta
Polis 33 (2), 185-214, 2019
Trust matters: cross-disciplinary essays
R Barradas de Freitas, S Lo Iacono
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2021
Hostile media perception affects news bias, but not news sharing intentions
S Lo Iacono, T Daniel Dores Cruz
Royal Society Open Science 9 (4), 211504, 2022
Other-Regarding Behaviors and Attitudes toward Asylum Seekers
B Sonmez, S Lo Iacono
Socius 8, 2022
Who are We Trusting? A Category-Based Formalisation of Trust
S Lo Iacono, M Testori
Trust Matters: Cross-Disciplinary Essays, 35, 2021
Liminality, Social Exclusion, and Segregation of Asylum Seekers and Refugees
B Sonmez, S Lo Iacono
OSF, 2022
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Articles 1–15