Aldo Paparo
Aldo Paparo
Research Fellow, University of Florence
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Cited by
Populist success in a hung parliament: The 2018 general election in Italy
A Chiaramonte, V Emanuele, N Maggini, A Paparo
South European Society and Politics 23 (4), 479-501, 2018
The times they are a-changin’: party campaign strategies in the 2018 Italian election
V Emanuele, N Maggini, A Paparo
West European Politics 43 (3), 665-687, 2020
Issue Competition Comparative Project (ICCP)
L De Sio, V Emanuele, N Maggini, A Paparo, D Angelucci, R D'Alimonte
“Where You Lead, I Will Follow”: Partisan Cueing on High‐Salience Issues in a Turbulent Multiparty System
T Brader, L De Sio, A Paparo, JA Tucker
Political Psychology 41 (4), 795-812, 2020
Radical-right surge in a deinstitutionalised party system: the 2022 Italian general election
A Chiaramonte, V Emanuele, N Maggini, A Paparo
South European Society and Politics 27 (3), 329-357, 2022
Challenger’s delight: The results of the 2018 Italian general election: The results of the 2018 Italian general election
A Paparo
Italian Political Science 13 (1), 63-81, 2018
Elettori in movimento nelle Comunali 2011 a Milano, Torino e Napoli
M Cataldi, V Emanuele, A Paparo
Italian Journal of Electoral Studies (IJES) 67 (1), 5-43, 2012
Le elezioni comunali 2012
L De Sio, A Paparo
Centro Italiano Studi Elettorali, 2012
Italy: Complete overturn among government partners: League doubled, M5S halved
I Landini, A Paparo
The European Parliament Elections of, 173-179, 2019
PTV gap: A new measure of party identification yielding monotonic partisan attitudes and supporting comparative analysis
A Paparo, L De Sio, DW Brady
Electoral Studies 63, 102092, 2020
Assessing multi-level congruence in voting in comparative perspective: Introducing the municipal level
S Bolgherini, S Grimaldi, A Paparo
Local Government Studies 47 (1), 54-78, 2021
Gli sfidanti al governo. Disincanto, nuovi conflitti e diverse strategie dietro il voto del 4 marzo 2018
V Emanuele, A Paparo
DOSSIER CISE, 1-301, 2018
Europe matters… upon closer investigation: a novel approach for analysing individual-level determinants of vote choice across first-and second-order elections, applied to 2019 …
D Angelucci, L De Sio, A Paparo
Italian Political Science Review/Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica 50 (3 …, 2020
Globalization and political instability
DW Brady, A Paparo, D Rivers
The American Interest 11 (6), 2016
Elettori alla deriva? I flussi di voto tra 2008 e 2013
L De Sio, A Paparo
Terremoto elettorale. Le elezioni politiche del 2013, 129-152, 2014
‘Are we losing touch?’Mainstream parties' failure to represent their voters on immigration and its electoral consequences
DW Brady, JA Ferejohn, A Paparo
Italian Political Science Review/Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica 50 (3 …, 2020
Il centrodestra avanza, il Pd arretra: è pareggio. I numeri finali delle comunali
V Emanuele, A Paparo
Paparo, A.(a cura di), La rinascita del centrodestra, 191-199, 2017
Tutti i numeri delle comunali: scompare il M5s, il centrodestra torna competitivo, i civici sono il terzo polo
V Emanuele, A Paparo
Paparo, A.(a cura di), La rinascita del centrodestra, 51-57, 2017
Immigration attitudes and the politics of globalization
D Brady, JA Ferejohn, A Paparo
Available at SSRN 2820204, 2016
Process matters: The variegated effects of municipal amalgamation features on voter turnout revealed in a 10-country comparative investigation
S Bolgherini, A Paparo
European Political Science Review 15 (3), 313-331, 2023
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Articles 1–20