History of the 1963 Vaiont slide: the importance of geological factors E Semenza, M Ghirotti Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 59, 87-97, 2000 | 218 | 2000 |
Global Positioning Systems and digital photogrammetry for the monitoring of mass movements: application to the Ca'di Malta landslide (northern Apennines, Italy) P Mora, P Baldi, G Casula, M Fabris, M Ghirotti, E Mazzini, A Pesci Engineering Geology 68 (1), 103-121, 2003 | 203 | 2003 |
The 1963 Vaiont Landslide R Genevois, M Ghirotti Giornale di Geologia Applicata 1, 41-52, 2005 | 192 | 2005 |
Influence of soil consolidation and thermal expansion effects on height and gravity variations C Romagnoli, S Zerbini, L Lago, B Richter, D Simon, F Domenichini, ... Journal of Geodynamics 35 (4-5), 521-539, 2003 | 64 | 2003 |
Preliminary result from pore pressure monitoring on an unstable clay slope A Simoni, M Berti, M Generali, C Elmi, M Ghirotti Engineering Geology 73 (1-2), 117-128, 2004 | 62 | 2004 |
Back analysis of the 2014 San Leo landslide using combined terrestrial laser scanning and 3D distinct element modelling MC Spreafico, M Francioni, F Cervi, D Stead, G Bitelli, M Ghirotti, ... Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 49, 2235-2251, 2016 | 56 | 2016 |
Engineering geomorphological characterisation of the Vajont Slide, Italy, and a new interpretation of the chronology and evolution of the landslide A Wolter, D Stead, BC Ward, JJ Clague, M Ghirotti Landslides 13 (5), 1067-1081, 2016 | 51 | 2016 |
Geological structures of the Vajont landslide M Massironi, D Zampieri, L Superchi, A Bistacchi, R Ravagnan, ... Italian Journal of Engineering Geology and Environment, 573-582, 2013 | 44 | 2013 |
Implementation of a geodatabase of published and unpublished data on the catastrophic Vaiont landslide L Superchi, M Floris, M Ghirotti, R Genevois, M Jaboyedoff, D Stead Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 10 (4), 865-873, 2010 | 36 | 2010 |
Slope stability and groundwater flow system in the area of Lizzano in Belvedere (Northern Apennines, Italy) L Piccinini, M Berti, A Simoni, AR Bernardi, M Ghirotti, A Gargini Engineering geology 183, 276-289, 2014 | 34 | 2014 |
Engineering geological characterization and comparison of predicted and measured deformations of a cavern in the Italian Alps M Sapigni, G La Barbera, M Ghirotti Engineering Geology 69 (1-2), 47-62, 2003 | 32 | 2003 |
San Leo: centuries of coexistence with landslides G Benedetti, M Bernardi, G Bonaga, L Borgatti, F Continelli, M Ghirotti, ... Landslide Science and Practice: Volume 6: Risk Assessment, Management and …, 2013 | 30* | 2013 |
Using pre-failure and post-failure remote sensing data to constrain the three-dimensional numerical model of a large rock slope failure D Donati, D Stead, MA Brideau, M Ghirotti Landslides 18, 827-847, 2021 | 22 | 2021 |
Debris flow monitoring and analysis in the dolomitic region (Upper Boite Valley, Italian Alps) R Genevois, M Berti, M Ghirotti, A Simoni, PR Tecca Thematic report, EC project, ENV4. CT96 253 (2.21), 1-2.21, 1999 | 21* | 1999 |
Exploration of the kinematics of the 1963 Vajont slide, Italy, using a numerical modelling toolbox A Wolter, M Havaej, L Zorzi, D Stead, JJ Clague, M Ghirotti, R Genevois Ital J Eng Geol Environ 6, 599-612, 2013 | 20* | 2013 |
A remote sensing approach for the derivation of numerical modelling input data: Insights from the Hope Slide, Canada D Donati, D Stead, MA Brideau, M Ghirotti ISRM AfriRock-Rock Mechanics for Africa, ISRM-AFRIROCK-2017-066, 2017 | 18 | 2017 |
The 1963 Vaiont landslide, Italy M Ghirotti Landslides: Types, Mechanisms and Modeling, 359-372, 2012 | 18 | 2012 |
Modellazione numerica della frana del Vajont sulla base di nuovi dati M Ghirotti Geologica Romana 30, 207-216, 1994 | 18* | 1994 |
The Celentino deep-seated gravitational slope deformation (DSGSD): structural and geomechanical analyses (Peio Valley, NE Italy) M Ghirotti, S Martin, R Genevois Geological Society, London, Special Publications 351 (1), 235-251, 2011 | 16 | 2011 |
Edoardo Semenza: the importance of geological and geomorphological factors in the identification of the ancient Vaiont landslide M Ghirotti Landslides from massive rock slope failure, 395-406, 2006 | 16 | 2006 |