Nicola Del Sarto
Nicola Del Sarto
Ph.D, Assistant Professor, University of Florence
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The digital transformation of SMEs–a new knowledge broker called the digital innovation hub
A Crupi, N Del Sarto, A Di Minin, GL Gregori, D Lepore, L Marinelli, ...
Journal of knowledge management 24 (6), 1263-1288, 2020
The role of accelerators in firm survival: An fsQCA analysis of Italian startups
N Del Sarto, DA Isabelle, A Di Minin
Technovation 90, 102102, 2020
Open innovation environments as knowledge sharing enablers: the case of strategic technology and innovative management consortium
A Crupi, N Del Sarto, A Di Minin, R Phaal, A Piccaluga
Journal of Knowledge Management 25 (5), 1263-1286, 2021
Startup accelerators as an open environment: The impact on startups’ innovative performance
N Del Sarto, CC Cazares, A Di Minin
Technovation 113, 102425, 2022
Born global and well educated: start-up survival through fuzzy set analysis
N Del Sarto, A Di Minin, G Ferrigno, A Piccaluga
Small Business Economics 56, 1405-1423, 2021
Industry 4.0 base technologies and business models: a bibliometric analysis
G Ferrigno, N Del Sarto, A Piccaluga, A Baroncelli
European Journal of Innovation Management 26 (7), 502-526, 2023
Connecting organizational learning and open innovation research: an integrative framework and insights from case studies of strategic alliances
G Ferrigno, N Del Sarto, V Cucino, A Piccaluga
The Learning Organization 29 (6), 615-634, 2022
Empowered or engaged employees? A fuzzy set analysis on knowledge transfer professionals
V Cucino, N Del Sarto, A Di Minin, A Piccaluga
Journal of Knowledge Management 25 (5), 1081-1104, 2021
Do start-ups benefit from coworking spaces? An empirical analysis of accelerators’ programs
N Del Sarto, G Ferrigno, V Parida, A Di Minin
Review of Managerial Science 17 (7), 2471-2502, 2023
One size does not fit all. Business models heterogeneity among Internet of Things architecture layers
N Del Sarto, F Cesaroni, A Di Minin, A Piccaluga
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 34 (7), 787-802, 2022
Disentangling the importance of digital platforms and absorptive capacity in digital business ecosystems
A Crupi, N Del Sarto, A Di Minin, MF Kenney
Handbook on Digital Business Ecosystems, 40-49, 2022
Not just numbers! Improving TTO performance by balancing the soft sides of the TQM
V Cucino, N Del Sarto, G Ferrigno, AMC Piccaluga, A Di Minin
The TQM Journal 36 (3), 900-919, 2022
Digital transformation & firms’ innovative strategies: capabilities, ecosystems, and business models
D Lepore, S Nambisan, CL Tucci, SA Zahra
Academy of Management Proceedings 2019 (1), 14623, 2019
Emerging actors within the innovation landscape: Systematic review on accelerators
N Del Sarto, C Marullo, A Di Minin
ISPIM Conference Proceedings, 1-18, 2018
How dynamic capabilities matter for the implementation of a successful equity crowdfunding campaign
N Del Sarto, D Magni
Cybernetics and Systems. Social and Business Decisions 1, 515, 2018
Financial innovation: the impact of blockchain technologies on financial intermediaries
N Del Sarto, L Gai, F Ielasi
Journal of Financial Management, Markets and Institutions 12 (01), 2350005, 2024
How can accelerators in South America evolve to support start-ups in a post-COVID-19 world?
DA Isabelle, N Del Sarto
Multidisciplinary Business Review 13 (2), 66-79, 2020
Unveiling knowledge ecosystem dimensions for MSMEs’ digital transformation, toward a location-based brokerage
L Marinelli, A Crupi, N Del Sarto, D Lepore
Technovation 136, 103086, 2024
Digital banking: How social media is shaping the game
N Del Sarto, E Bocchialini, L Gai, F Ielasi
Qualitative Research in Financial Markets, 2024
Artificial Intelligence as Driver for SME Competitiveness
N Del Sarto, A Piccaluga
Handbook of Research on Applied Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in …, 2021
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