Mirko Carlini
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The Ionian and Alfeo–Etna fault zones: New segments of an evolving plate boundary in the central Mediterranean Sea?
A Polonia, L Torelli, A Artoni, M Carlini, C Faccenna, L Ferranti, ...
Tectonophysics 675, 69-90, 2016
Tectonic control on the development and distribution of large landslides in the Northern Apennines (Italy)
M Carlini, A Chelli, P Vescovi, A Artoni, L Clemenzi, C Tellini, L Torelli
Geomorphology 253, 425-437, 2016
Lower plate serpentinite diapirism in the Calabrian Arc subduction complex
A Polonia, L Torelli, L Gasperini, L Cocchi, F Muccini, E Bonatti, C Hensen, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 2172, 2017
Exhumation and reshaping of far-travelled/allochthonous tectonic units in mountain belts. New insights for the relationships between shortening and coeval extension in the …
M Carlini, A Artoni, L Aldega, ML Balestrieri, S Corrado, P Vescovi, ...
Tectonophysics 608, 267-287, 2013
Landslides types controlled by tectonics-induced evolution of valley slopes (Northern Apennines, Italy)
M Carlini, A Chelli, R Francese, S Giacomelli, M Giorgi, A Quagliarini, ...
Landslides 15, 283-296, 2018
Neogene 3‐D structural architecture of the north‐west Apennines: The role of the low‐angle normal faults and basement thrusts
G Molli, M Carlini, P Vescovi, A Artoni, F Balsamo, F Camurri, L Clemenzi, ...
Tectonics 37 (7), 2165-2196, 2018
Tectonically controlled carbonate-seated maar-diatreme volcanoes: The case of the Volsci Volcanic Field, central Italy
GL Cardello, L Consorti, DM Palladino, E Carminati, M Carlini, C Doglioni
Journal of Geodynamics 139, 101763, 2020
Deformation, fluid flow, and mass transfer in the forearc of convergent margins: A two-day field trip in an ancient and exhumed erosive convergent margin in the Northern Apennines
F Remitti, G Bettelli, F Panini, M Carlini, P Vannucchi
Styles and rates of deformation in the frontal accretionary wedge of the Calabrian Arc (Ionian Sea): controls exerted by the structure of the lower African plate
B Giovanni, P Alima, F Claudio, T Luigi, A Andrea, C Mirko, C Savino, ...
Italian Journal of Geosciences 136 (3), 347-364, 2016
The role of mechanical stratigraphy on the refraction of strike-slip faults
M Carlini, G Viola, J Mattila, L Castellucci
Solid Earth 10 (1), 343-356, 2019
Mass transport deposits and geo-hazard assessment in the Bradano Foredeep (Southern Apennines, Ionian Sea)
A Artoni, A Polonia, M Carlini, L Torelli, P Mussoni, L Gasperini
Marine Geology 407, 275-298, 2019
Revisiting the Geology of the “Sillaro Line”, Northern Apennines, Italy
B Giuseppe, F Panini, C Fioroni, G Nirta, F Remitti, P Vannucchi, M Carlini
Rendiconti online della Società Geologica Italiana, 2012
Lower plate serpentinite diapirism in the Calabrian Arc subduction complex, Nat. Commun., 8, 2172
A Polonia, L Torelli, L Gasperini, L Cocchi, F Muccini, E Bonatti, C Hensen, ...
Oblique plate collision and orogenic translation of the Southern Apennines revealed by post-Messinian interregional unconformities in the Bradano Basin (Ionian Sea-Central …
J Basso, A Artoni, L Torelli, A Polonia, M Carlini, L Gasperini, P Mussoni
Marine and Petroleum Geology 128, 104999, 2021
Late orogenic thrust-related antiforms in the western portion of Northern Apennines (Parma Province, Italy): geometries and late Miocene to Recent activity constrained by …
M Carlini, L Clemenzi, A Artoni, A Chelli, P Vescovi, M Bernini, C Tellini, ...
Rendiconti Online Societa Geologica Italiana 22, 36-39, 2012
New thermal constraints on a shallow fossil subduction channel from the Northern Apennines of Italy
M Carlini, L Aldega, S Corrado, P Vannucchi, F Remitti, G Bettelli
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 9405, 2009
Geology of the High Sillaro Valley (Northern Apennines of Italy)
F Panini, G Bettelli, M Carlini, C Fioroni, G Nirta, F Remitti
Journal of Maps 16 (2), 805-817, 2020
Tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Palazzuolo anticline (Northern Apennines-Italy)
M Carlini, F Storti, F Balsamo, L Clemenzi, K Ogata, L Aldega, S Corrado, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 17123, 2017
Evidences of late Miocene low-angle extensional tectonics affecting the western Northern Apennines orogenic wedge
P Vescovi, M Carlini, A Artoni, L Clemenzi, L Torelli
Tectonic and erosional exhumation processes in the western Northern Apennines of Italy: coeval compressional and extensional tectonics affecting an eroding orogenic wedge
M Carlini, A Artoni, P Vescovi, M Bernini, F Remitti, G Bettelli, P Vannucchi, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 12994, 2013
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