Alberto Voci
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Intergroup contact and prejudice toward immigrants in Italy: The mediational role of anxiety and the moderational role of group salience
A Voci, M Hewstone
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 6 (1), 37-54, 2003
Reducing explicit and implicit outgroup prejudice via direct and extended contact: The mediating role of self-disclosure and intergroup anxiety.
RN Turner, M Hewstone, A Voci
Journal of personality and social psychology 93 (3), 369, 2007
Effects of direct and indirect cross-group friendships on judgments of Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland: The mediating role of an anxiety-reduction mechanism
S Paolini, M Hewstone, E Cairns, A Voci
Personality and social psychology Bulletin 30 (6), 770-786, 2004
A test of the extended intergroup contact hypothesis: the mediating role of intergroup anxiety, perceived ingroup and outgroup norms, and inclusion of the outgroup in the self.
RN Turner, M Hewstone, A Voci, C Vonofakou
Journal of personality and social psychology 95 (4), 843, 2008
Intergroup contact, forgiveness, and experience of “The Troubles” in Northern Ireland
M Hewstone, E Cairns, A Voci, J Hamberger, U Niens
Journal of social issues 62 (1), 99-120, 2006
Affective mediators of intergroup contact: a three-wave longitudinal study in South Africa.
H Swart, M Hewstone, O Christ, A Voci
Journal of personality and social psychology 101 (6), 1221, 2011
The link between identification and in‐group favouritism: Effects of threat to social identity and trust‐related emotions
A Voci
British Journal of Social Psychology 45 (2), 265-284, 2006
Grandparent-grandchild contact and attitudes toward older adults: Moderator and mediator effects
J Harwood, M Hewstone, S Paolini, A Voci
Personality and social psychology bulletin 31 (3), 393-406, 2005
Reducing prejudice via direct and extended cross-group friendship
RN Turner, M Hewstone, A Voci, S Paolini, O Christ
European review of social psychology 18 (1), 212-255, 2007
Intergroup contact and grandparent–grandchild communication: The effects of self-disclosure on implicit and explicit biases against older people
T Tam, M Hewstone, J Harwood, A Voci, J Kenworthy
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 9 (3), 413-429, 2006
Direct contact as a moderator of extended contact effects: Cross-sectional and longitudinal impact on outgroup attitudes, behavioral intentions, and attitude certainty
O Christ, M Hewstone, N Tausch, U Wagner, A Voci, J Hughes, E Cairns
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 36 (12), 1662-1674, 2010
Intergroup contact: When does it work, and why
JB Kenworthy, RN Turner, M Hewstone, A Voci
On the nature of prejudice: Fifty years after Allport, 278-292, 2005
Intergroup forgiveness and guilt in Northern Ireland: Social psychological dimensions of “The Troubles.”
M Hewstone, E Cairns, A Voci, F McLernon, U Niens, M Noor
Collective guilt: International perspectives, 193-215, 2004
Contact with out-group friends as a predictor of meta-attitudinal strength and accessibility of attitudes toward gay men.
C Vonofakou, M Hewstone, A Voci
Journal of personality and social psychology 92 (5), 804, 2007
Intergroup contact in a divided society: Challenging segregation in Northern Ireland
M Hewstone, E Cairns, A Voci, S Paolini, FM LERNON, RJ Crisp, U Niens, ...
Social psychology of inclusion and exclusion, 283-310, 2004
Intergroup contact and intergroup conflict.
M Hewstone, S Lolliot, H Swart, E Myers, A Voci, A Al Ramiah, E Cairns
Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology 20 (1), 39, 2014
Intergroup contact and the promotion of intergroup harmony: The influence of intergroup emotions
S Paolini, M Hewstone, A Voci, J Harwood, E Cairns
Social Identities, 209-238, 2016
Relating mindfulness, heartfulness, and psychological well-being: The role of self-compassion and gratitude
A Voci, CA Veneziani, G Fuochi
Mindfulness 10 (2), 339-351, 2019
Stepping stones to reconciliation in Northern Ireland: Intergroup contact, forgiveness and trust
M Hewstone, JB Kenworthy, E Cairns, N Tausch, J Hughes, T Tam, ...
The social psychology of intergroup reconciliation, 199-226, 2008
The impact of crossgroup friendships in South Africa: Affective mediators and multigroup comparisons
H Swart, M Hewstone, O Christ, A Voci
Journal of Social Issues 66 (2), 309-333, 2010
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Articles 1–20