Boris Gorshunov
Cited by
Cited by
Dielectric, infrared, and Raman response of undoped ceramics: Evidence of polar grain boundaries
J Petzelt, T Ostapchuk, I Gregora, I Rychetskę, S Hoffmann-Eifert, ...
Physical Review B 64 (18), 184111, 2001
Terahertz BWO-spectrosopy
B Gorshunov, A Volkov, I Spektor, A Prokhorov, A Mukhin, M Dressel, ...
International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves 26, 1217-1240, 2005
Circular-Polarization-Dependent Study of the Microwave Photoconductivity<? format?> in a Two-Dimensional Electron System
JH Smet, B Gorshunov, C Jiang, L Pfeiffer, K West, V Umansky, M Dressel, ...
Physical review letters 95 (11), 116804, 2005
The Higgs mode in disordered superconductors close to a quantum phase transition
D Sherman, US Pracht, B Gorshunov, S Poran, J Jesudasan, M Chand, ...
Nature Physics 11 (2), 188-192, 2015
Low-energy electrodynamics of
B Gorshunov, N Sluchanko, A Volkov, M Dressel, G Knebel, A Loidl, ...
Physical Review B 59 (3), 1808, 1999
Optical investigations of the normal and superconducting states reveal two electronic subsystems in iron pnictides
D Wu, N Barišić, P Kallina, A Faridian, B Gorshunov, N Drichko, LJ Li, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (10), 100512, 2010
Origin of soft-mode stiffening and reduced dielectric response in thin films
T Ostapchuk, J Petzelt, V Železnę, A Pashkin, J Pokornę, I Drbohlav, ...
Physical Review B 66 (23), 235406, 2002
The spin-ladder and spin-chain system (La, Y, Sr, Ca) 14Cu24O41: Electronic phases, charge and spin dynamics
T Vuletić, B Korin-Hamzić, T Ivek, S Tomić, B Gorshunov, M Dressel, ...
Physics reports 428 (4), 169-258, 2006
Frequency-domain magnetic resonance spectroscopy of molecular magnetic materials
J Van Slageren, S Vongtragool, B Gorshunov, AA Mukhin, N Karl, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 5 (18), 3837-3843, 2003
Dielectric spectroscopy of Ba(B1/2B1/2)O3 complex perovskite ceramics: Correlations between ionic parameters and microwave dielectric properties. II. Studies below the phonon …
R Zurmühlen, J Petzelt, S Kamba, G Kozlov, A Volkov, B Gorshunov, ...
Journal of applied physics 77 (10), 5351-5364, 1995
Dielectric spectra of some ceramics for microwave applications in the range of 1010–1014 Hz
J Petzelt, S Pačesová, J Fousek, S Kamba, V Železnę, C Koukal, ...
Ferroelectrics 93 (1), 77-85, 1989
Intragap states in
NE Sluchanko, VV Ġlushkov, BP Gorshunov, SV Demishev, MV Kondrin, ...
Physical Review B 61 (15), 9906, 2000
Quantum spin liquids unveil the genuine Mott state
A Pustogow, M Bories, A Löhle, R Rösslhuber, E Zhukova, B Gorshunov, ...
Nature materials 17 (9), 773-777, 2018
Incipient ferroelectricity of water molecules confined to nano-channels of beryl
BP Gorshunov, VI Torgashev, ES Zhukova, VG Thomas, MA Belyanchikov, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 12842, 2016
Optical spectroscopy of crystal-field transitions in the molecular magnet
A Mukhin, B Gorshunov, M Dressel, C Sangregorio, D Gatteschi
Physical Review B 63 (21), 214411, 2001
Electrodynamics of the superconducting state in ultra-thin films at THz frequencies
US Pracht, E Heintze, C Clauss, D Hafner, R Bek, D Werner, S Gelhorn, ...
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology 3 (3), 269-280, 2013
Suppression of the Charge-Density-Wave State in by Calcium Doping
T Vuletić, B Korin-Hamzić, S Tomić, B Gorshunov, P Haas, T Room, ...
Physical review letters 90 (25), 257002, 2003
High-frequency dielectric spectra of AgTaO3-AgNbO3 mixed ceramics
AA Volkov, BP Gorshunov, G Komandin, W Fortin, GE Kugel, A Kania, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 7 (4), 785, 1995
Polar phonons and central mode in antiferroelectric PbZrO3 ceramics
T Ostapchuk, J Petzelt, V Zelezny, S Kamba, V Bovtun, V Porokhonskyy, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 13 (11), 2677, 2001
Quantum behavior of water molecules confined to nanocavities in gemstones
BP Gorshunov, ES Zhukova, VI Torgashev, VV Lebedev, GS Shakurov, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 4 (12), 2015-2020, 2013
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Articles 1–20