Umberto Triacca
Umberto Triacca
Full Professor of Econometrics, University of L'Aquila
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Is Granger causality analysis appropriate to investigate the relationship between atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide and global surface air temperature?
U Triacca
Theoretical and applied climatology 81, 133-135, 2005
A contribution to attribution of recent global warming by out‐of‐sample Granger causality analysis
A Attanasio, A Pasini, U Triacca
Atmospheric Science Letters 13 (1), 67-72, 2012
Granger causality analyses for climatic attribution
A Attanasio, A Pasini, U Triacca
Atmospheric and Climate Sciences 2013, 2013
On the use of Granger causality to investigate the human influence on climate
U Triacca
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 69, 137-138, 2001
Anthropogenic global warming hypothesis: testing its robustness by Granger causality analysis
U Triacca, A Attanasio, A Pasini
Environmetrics 24 (4), 260-268, 2013
Detecting human influence on climate using neural networks based Granger causality
A Attanasio, U Triacca
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 103, 103-107, 2011
Evidence of recent causal decoupling between solar radiation and global temperature
A Pasini, U Triacca, A Attanasio
Environmental Research Letters 7 (3), 034020, 2012
Non-causality: The role of the omitted variables
U Triacca
Economics Letters 60 (3), 317-320, 1998
Social change: measurement and theory
P Garonna, U Triacca
International Statistical Review 67 (1), 49-62, 1999
Evidence for the role of the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation and the ocean heat uptake in hiatus prediction
A Pasini, U Triacca, A Attanasio
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 129, 873-880, 2017
Measures to evaluate the discrepancy between direct and indirect model-based seasonal adjustment
E Otranto, U Triacca
Journal of Official Statistics 18 (4), 511, 2002
Measuring the distance between sets of ARMA models
U Triacca
Econometrics 4 (3), 32, 2016
Forecasting the number of confirmed new cases of COVID-19 in Italy for the period from 19 May to 2 June 2020
M Triacca, U Triacca
Infectious Disease Modelling 6, 362-369, 2021
Testing for equal predictability of stationary ARMA processes
E Otrano, U Triacca
Journal of Applied Statistics 34 (9), 1091-1108, 2007
On the variance of the error associated to the squared return as proxy of volatility
U Triacca
Applied Financial Economics Letters 3 (4), 255-257, 2007
Crude oil price, exchange rate and gross domestic product nexus in an emerging market: A cointegration analysis
EK Mensah, U Triacca, EA Bondzie, GO Fosu
Opec energy review 40 (2), 212-231, 2016
Measuring persistence in time series of temperature anomalies
U Triacca, A Pasini, A Attanasio
Theoretical and applied climatology 118, 491-495, 2014
Clarifying the roles of greenhouse gases and ENSO in recent global warming through their prediction performance
U Triacca, A Pasini, A Attanasio, A Giovannelli, M Lippi
Journal of Climate 27 (20), 7903-7910, 2014
Testing for Granger non-causality using the autoregressive metric
F Di Iorio, U Triacca
Economic Modelling 33, 120-125, 2013
Granger causality and contiguity between stochastic processes
U Triacca
Physics Letters A 362 (4), 252-255, 2007
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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