Marcin Werla
Marcin Werla
Qatar National Library
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Cited by
Metadata harvesting in regional digital libraries in the PIONIER network
C Mazurek, M Stroinski, M Werla, J Węglarz
Campus-Wide Information Systems 23 (4), 241-253, 2006
Distributed services architecture in dLibra digital library framework
C Mazurek, M Werla
8th International Workshop of the DELOS Network of Excellence on Digital …, 2005
Enrichment of European digital resources by federating regional digital libraries in Poland
A Lewandowska, C Mazurek, M Werla
Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: 12th European …, 2008
Federating digital library services for advanced applications in science and education
K Michał, M Cezary, S Maciej, W Marcin, W Marcin
CMST 13 (2), 101-112, 2007
Transforming a flat metadata schema to a semantic web ontology: the polish digital libraries federation and CIDOC CRM case study
C Mazurek, K Sielski, M Stroiński, J Walkowska, M Werla, J Węglarz
Intelligent Tools for Building a Scientific Information Platform, 153-177, 2012
Digital Object Lifecycle in dLibra Digital Library Framework
C Mazurek, M Werla
8th DELOS Workshop on Future Digital Library Management Systems, 2005
Advanced automatic mapping from flat or hierarchical metadata schemas to a semantic web ontology: requirements, languages, tools
J Walkowska, M Werla
Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries: Second International Conference …, 2012
Distributed digital libraries platform in the PIONIER network
C Mazurek, T Parkoła, M Werla
Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: 10th European …, 2006
European survey on scholarly practices and digital needs in the arts and humanities–Highlights Report
C Dallas, N Chatzidiakou, A Benardou, M Bender, A Berra, C Clivaz, ...
Zenodo., 2017
Web 2.0 i (polskie) biblioteki cyfrowe
M Werla
Biuletyn EBIB 27, 2016, 2012
Applicability of CIDOC CRM in digital libraries
C Mazurek, K Sielski, J Walkowska, M Werla
Proceedings of CIDOC 2011 Knowledge Management and Museums Conference, Sibiu …, 2011
Biblioteka cyfrowa jako otwarte, internetowe repozytorium publikacji
M Heliński, C Mazurek, T Parkoła, M Werla, ...
W: III konferencja: Internet w bibliotekach. Zasoby elektroniczne: podaż i …, 2005
Design of Europeana Cloud technical infrastructure
P Kats, M Mielnicki, P Knoth, M Muhr, G Mamakis, M Werla
IEEE/ACM Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 491-492, 2014
Architecture for aggregation, processing and provisioning of data from heterogeneous scientific information services
C Mazurek, M Mielnicki, A Nowak, M Stroiński, M Werla, J Węglarz
Intelligent Tools for Building a Scientific Information Platform: Advanced …, 2013
Network of digital libraries in Poland as a model for national and international cooperation
C Mazurek, M Werla
IATUL 2011 conference: Libraries for an open environment: Strategies …, 2011
Polskie biblioteki cyfrowe, FBC i Europeana–etapy i bariery w przepływie informacji
M Werla
Biuletyn EBIB, 110, 2010
Extending the Shibboleth identity management model with a networked user profile
A Dudczak, M Helinski, C Mazurek, M Mielnicki, M Werla
2008 1st International Conference on Information Technology, 1-4, 2008
Extending OAI-PMH protocol with dynamic sets definitions using CQL language
C Mazurek, M Werla
Conference proceedings of IADIS Information Systems, Algarve, Portugal …, 2008
From MARC21 and Dublin Core, through CIDOC CRM: First tenuous steps towards representing library data in FRBRoo
C Mazurek, K Sielski, J Walkowska, M Werla, P Supercomputing
CIDOC 2012, 2012
Building federation of digital libraries basing on concept of atomic services
C Mazurek, T Parkola, M Werla
Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries …, 2008
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Articles 1–20