Antonino Mazzeo
Antonino Mazzeo
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An FPGA-based performance analysis of the unrolling, tiling, and pipelining of the AES algorithm
GP Saggese, A Mazzeo, N Mazzocca, AGM Strollo
Field Programmable Logic and Application: 13th International Conference, FPL …, 2003
The talking museum project
F Amato, A Chianese, A Mazzeo, V Moscato, A Picariello, F Piccialli
Procedia computer science 21, 114-121, 2013
Exploiting cloud technologies and context information for recommending touristic paths
F Amato, A Mazzeo, V Moscato, A Picariello
Intelligent Distributed Computing VII: Proceedings of the 7th International …, 2014
A PUF-based mutual authentication scheme for cloud-edges IoT systems
M Barbareschi, A De Benedictis, E La Montagna, A Mazzeo, N Mazzocca
Future Generation Computer Systems 101, 246-261, 2019
A SLA evaluation methodology in Service Oriented Architectures
V Casola, A Mazzeo, N Mazzocca, M Rak
Quality of Protection: Security Measurements and Metrics, 119-130, 2006
Carry-save Montgomery modular exponentiation on reconfigurable hardware
A Cilardo, A Mazzeo, L Romano, GP Saggese
Proceedings Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition …, 2004
FPGA-based implementation of a serial RSA processor
A Mazzeo, L Romano, GP Saggese, N Mazzocca
2003 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, 582-587, 2003
Building rdf ontologies from semi-structured legal documents
F Amato, A Mazzeo, A Penta, A Picariello
2008 international conference on complex, intelligent and software intensive …, 2008
A policy-based methodology for security evaluation: A security metric for public key infrastructures
V Casola, A Mazzeo, N Mazzocca, V Vittorini
Journal of Computer Security 15 (2), 197-229, 2007
An fpga-based smart classifier for decision support systems
F Amato, M Barbareschi, V Casola, A Mazzeo
Intelligent Distributed Computing VII: Proceedings of the 7th International …, 2014
A framework for semantic interoperability over the cloud
F Amato, A Mazzeo, V Moscato, A Picariello
2013 27th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and …, 2013
Authenticating IoT devices with physically unclonable functions models
M Barbareschi, P Bagnasco, A Mazzeo
2015 10th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and …, 2015
Knowledge representation and management for e-government documents
F Amato, A Mazzeo, A Penta, A Picariello
E-Government Ict Professionalism and Competences Service Science, 31-40, 2008
A semantic enriched data model for sensor network interoperability
F Amato, V Casola, A Gaglione, A Mazzeo
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (8), 1745-1757, 2011
A system for semantic retrieval and long-term preservation of multimedia documents in the e-government domain
F Amato, A Mazzeo, V Moscato, A Picariello
International Journal of Web and Grid Services 5 (4), 323-338, 2009
Heterogeneous system performance prediction and analysis using PS
R Aversa, A Mazzeo, N Mazzocca, U Villano
IEEE concurrency 6 (3), 20-29, 1998
Solution workflows for model-based analysis of complex systems
F Moscato, V Vittorini, F Amato, A Mazzeo, N Mazzocca
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 9 (1), 83-95, 2011
Decision tree-based multiple classifier systems: An fpga perspective
M Barbareschi, S Del Prete, F Gargiulo, A Mazzeo, C Sansone
Multiple Classifier Systems: 12th International Workshop, MCS 2015, Günzburg …, 2015
An efficient SAR parallel processor
G Franceschetti, A Mazzeo, N Mazzocca, V Pascazio, G Schirinzi
IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems 27 (2), 343-353, 1991
Ensuring semantic interoperability for e-health applications
F Amato, AR Fasolino, A Mazzeo, V Moscato, A Picariello, S Romano, ...
2011 International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software …, 2011
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20