Paul Mulholland
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Exploring scholarly data with rexplore
F Osborne, E Motta, P Mulholland
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2013: 12th International Semantic Web Conference …, 2013
Personal inquiry: Orchestrating science investigations within and beyond the classroom
M Sharples, E Scanlon, S Ainsworth, S Anastopoulou, T Collins, C Crook, ...
Journal of the Learning Sciences 24 (2), 308-341, 2015
How technology resources can be used to represent personal inquiry and support students' understanding of it across contexts
E Scanlon, S Anastopoulou, L Kerawalla, P Mulholland
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 27 (6), 516-529, 2011
A novel approach to visualizing and navigating ontologies
E Motta, P Mulholland, S Peroni, M d’Aquin, JM Gomez-Perez, V Mendez, ...
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2011: 10th International Semantic Web Conference, Bonn …, 2011
Music interaction: understanding music and human-computer interaction
S Holland, K Wilkie, P Mulholland, A Seago
Music and human-computer interaction, 1-28, 2013
nQuire: technological support for personal inquiry learning
P Mulholland, S Anastopoulou, T Collins, M Feisst, M Gaved, L Kerawalla, ...
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 5 (2), 157-169, 2011
Using digital narratives to support the collaborative learning and exploration of cultural heritage
P Mulholland, T Collins
Proceedings. 13th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems …, 2002
Curation, curation, curation
A Wolff, P Mulholland
Proceedings of the 3rd Narrative and Hypertext Workshop, 1-5, 2013
A methodological approach to supporting organizational learning
P Mulholland, Z Zdrahal, J Domingue, M Hatala, A Bernardi
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 55 (3), 337-367, 2001
Storyspace: a story-driven approach for creating museum narratives
A Wolff, P Mulholland, T Collins
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM conference on Hypertext and social media, 89-98, 2012
What can the language of musicians tell us about music interaction design?
K Wilkie, S Holland, P Mulholland
Computer Music Journal 34 (4), 34-48, 2010
Grassroots initiated networked communities: A study of hybrid physical/virtual communities
M Gaved, P Mulholland
Proceedings of The 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference On System …, 2005
Knowledge Graph Construction with a Façade: A Unified Method to Access Heterogeneous Data Sources on the Web
L Asprino, E Daga, A Gangemi, P Mulholland
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 23 (1), 1-31, 2023
Integrating citizen experiences in cultural heritage archives: requirements, state of the art, and challenges
E Daga, L Asprino, R Damiano, M Daquino, BD Agudo, A Gangemi, ...
ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) 15 (1), 1-35, 2022
Story fountain: intelligent support for story research and exploration
P Mulholland, T Collins, Z Zdrahal
Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Intelligent user …, 2004
Bletchley Park Text: Using mobile and semantic web technologies to support the post-visit use of online museum resources
P Mulholland, TD Collins, Z Zdrahal
Journal of Interactive Media in Education 2005 (2), 22-22, 2005
Facade-X: an opinionated approach to SPARQL anything
E Daga, L Asprino, P Mulholland, A Gangemi
Further with Knowledge Graphs, 58-73, 2021
Challenges in personalisation: supporting mobile science inquiry learning across contexts
A Jones, E Scanlon, M Gaved, C Blake, T Collins, G Clough, L Kerawalla, ...
Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning 8 (1), 21-42, 2013
Applying information foraging theory to understand user interaction with content-based image retrieval
H Liu, P Mulholland, D Song, V Uren, S Rüger
Proceedings of the third symposium on Information interaction in context …, 2010
Semantic browsing of digital collections
T Collins, P Mulholland, Z Zdrahal
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2005: 4th International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC …, 2005
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20