Francesco Sdao
Francesco Sdao
Professor of Engineering Geology, University of Basilicata
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Evaluation of prediction capability of the artificial neural networks for mapping landslide susceptibility in the Turbolo River catchment (northern Calabria, Italy)
M Conforti, S Pascale, G Robustelli, F Sdao
Catena 113, 236-250, 2014
2D electrical resistivity imaging of some complex landslides in Lucanian Apennine chain, southern Italy
V Lapenna, P Lorenzo, A Perrone, S Piscitelli, E Rizzo, F Sdao
Geophysics 70 (3), B11-B18, 2005
Neural networks and landslide susceptibility: a case study of the urban area of Potenza
D Caniani, S Pascale, F Sdao, A Sole
Natural Hazards 45 (1), 55-72, 2008
High-resolution geoelectrical tomographies in the study of Giarrossa landslide (southern Italy)
V Lapenna, P Lorenzo, A Perrone, S Piscitelli, F Sdao, E Rizzo
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 62, 259-268, 2003
High-resolution electrical imaging of the Varco d'Izzo earthflow (southern Italy)
A Perrone, A Iannuzzi, V Lapenna, P Lorenzo, S Piscitelli, E Rizzo, ...
Journal of Applied Geophysics 56 (1), 17-29, 2004
The role of rainfall in the landslide hazard: the case of the Avigliano urban area (Southern Apennines, Italy)
M Polemio, F Sdao
Engineering Geology 53 (3-4), 297-309, 1999
Structure and kinematics of a landslide in a complex clayey formation of the Italian Southern Apennines
C Di Maio, R Vassallo, M Vallario, S Pascale, F Sdao
Engineering Geology 116 (3-4), 311-322, 2010
Digital photogrammetric analysis and electrical resistivity tomography for investigating the Picerno landslide (Basilicata region, southern Italy)
C de Bari, V Lapenna, A Perrone, C Puglisi, F Sdao
Geomorphology 133 (1-2), 34-46, 2011
Landslide susceptibility assessment by using a neuro-fuzzy model: a case study in the Rupestrian heritage rich area of Matera
F Sdao, S Lioi, S Pascale, D Caniani, I Mancini
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 13 (3), 395-407, 2013
Comparision of geological and geophysical prospecting techniques in the study of a landslide in Southern Italy
MR Gallipoli, V Lapenna, P Lorenzo, M Mucciarelli, A Perrone, S Piscitelli, ...
European Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics 4, 117-128, 2000
Pollution risk assessment based on hydrogeological data and management of solid waste landfills
D Rapti-Caputo, F Sdao, S Masi
Engineering Geology 85 (1-2), 122-131, 2006
Assessment methodology for the prediction of landslide dam hazard
S Dal Sasso, A Sole, S Pascale, F Sdao, A Bateman Pinzón, V Medina
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 14 (3), 557-567, 2014
Landslide susceptibility mapping using artificial neural network in the urban area of Senise and San Costantino Albanese (Basilicata, Southern Italy)
S Pascale, S Parisi, A Mancini, M Schiattarella, M Conforti, A Sole, ...
Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2013: 13th International …, 2013
A model for assessing the systemic vulnerability in landslide prone areas
S Pascale, F Sdao, A Sole
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 10 (7), 1575-1590, 2010
Mass movements affecting goddess Mefitis sanctuary in Rossano di Vaglio (Basilicata, southern Italy)
F Sdao, V Simeone
Journal of Cultural Heritage 8 (1), 77-80, 2007
A multidisciplinary approach for landslide residual risk assessment: the Pomarico landslide (Basilicata Region, Southern Italy) case study
A Perrone, F Canora, G Calamita, J Bellanova, V Serlenga, S Panebianco, ...
Landslides 18, 353-365, 2021
Mass movements inventory map of the Rubbio stream catchment (Basilicata–South Italy)
M Conforti, S Pascale, F Sdao
Journal of Maps 11 (3), 454-463, 2015
Potential rock fall source areas identification and rock fall propagation in the province of Potenza territory using an empirically distributed approach
L Losasso, M Jaboyedoff, F Sdao
Landslides 14, 1593-1602, 2017
Denudation processes and landforms map of the Camastra River catchment (Basilicata–South Italy)
M Conforti, S Pascale, M Pepe, F Sdao, A Sole
Journal of maps 9 (3), 444-455, 2013
Dissesti prodotti o aggravati dal sisma del 9 Settembre 1998 nel territorio del confine calabro-lucano.
G Gullà, F Sdao
Monografia GNDCI, Rubettino editore, 2001
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20