Vincenzo Memoli
Vincenzo Memoli
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Satisfaction with democracy and the winner/loser debate: The role of policy preferences and past experience
L Curini, W Jou, V Memoli
British Journal of Political Science 42 (2), 241-261, 2012
The emergence of a new party in the Italian party system: rise and fortunes of the Five Star Movement
N Conti, V Memoli
West European Politics 38 (3), 516-534, 2015
Flames and debates: do social media affect satisfaction with democracy?
A Ceron, V Memoli
Social indicators research 126, 225-240, 2016
Does democratization foster state consolidation? Democratic rule, political order, and administrative capacity
G Carbone, V Memoli
Governance 28 (1), 5-24, 2015
Can corruption erode confidence in political institutions among European countries? Comparing the effects of different measures of perceived corruption
A Pellegata, V Memoli
Social Indicators Research 128, 391-412, 2016
The multi-faceted nature of party-based Euroscepticism
N Conti, V Memoli
Acta Politica 47, 91-112, 2012
Trust in government and media slant: A cross-sectional analysis of media effects in twenty-seven European countries
A Ceron, V Memoli
The International Journal of Press/Politics 20 (3), 339-359, 2015
Political determinants of state capacity in Latin America
D Grassi, V Memoli
World Development 88, 94-106, 2016
Why Policy Representation Matters: The consequences of ideological proximity between citizens and their governments
L Curini, W Jou, V Memoli
Routledge, 2015
The determinants of democratic satisfaction in Europe
P Bellucci, V Memoli
Citizens and the European polity. Mass attitudes towards the European and …, 2012
Citizens, immigration and the EU as a shield
N Conti, D Di Mauro, V Memoli
European Union Politics 20 (3), 492-510, 2019
Corruption and satisfaction with democracy: The conditional role of electoral disproportionality and ballot control
A Pellegata, V Memoli
European Political Science Review 10 (3), 393-416, 2018
Are lions democrats? The impact of democratization on economic growth in Africa, 1980–2010
GM Carbone, V Memoli, L Quartapelle
Democratization 23 (1), 27-48, 2016
Attitudes towards Europe beyond Euroscepticism: Supporting the European union through the crisis
D Di Mauro, V Memoli
Springer, 2016
How moderates and extremists find happiness: Ideological orientation, citizen–government proximity, and life satisfaction
L Curini, W Jou, V Memoli
International Political Science Review 35 (2), 129-152, 2014
How does political knowledge shape support for democracy? Some research based on the Italian case
V Memoli
Bulletin of Italian Politics 3 (1), 79-102, 2011
Do environmental preferences in wealthy nations persist in times of crisis? The European environmental attitudes (2008-2017)
C Benedetta, M Vincenzo
Italian Political Science Review/Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica 50 (1 …, 2020
The role of public opinion in EU integration: Assessing the relationship between elites and the public during the refugee crisis
D Di Mauro, V Memoli
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 59 (5), 1303-1321, 2021
Show the money first! Recent public attitudes towards the EU in Italy
N Conti, V Memoli
Italian Political Science Review/Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica 45 (2 …, 2015
Italian parties and Europe: Problems of identity, representation and scope of governance in the Euromanifestos (1989–2004)
N Conti, V Memoli
Perspectives on European Politics and Society 11 (2), 167-182, 2010
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Articles 1–20