Luca Gasperini
Luca Gasperini
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Submarine fault scarps in the Sea of Marmara pull‐apart (North Anatolian Fault): Implications for seismic hazard in Istanbul
R Armijo, N Pondard, B Meyer, G Uçarkus, BM de Lépinay, J Malavieille, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 6 (6), 2005
The Calabrian Arc subduction complex in the Ionian Sea: Regional architecture, active deformation, and seismic hazard
A Polonia, L Torelli, P Mussoni, L Gasperini, A Artoni, D Klaeschen
Tectonics 30 (5), 2011
Transform migration and vertical tectonics at the Romanche fracture zone, equatorial Atlantic
E Bonatti, M Ligi, L Gasperini, A Peyve, YU Raznitsin, YJ Chen
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 99 (B11), 21779-21802, 1994
Gas emissions and active tectonics within the submerged section of the North Anatolian Fault zone in the Sea of Marmara
L Geli, P Henry, T Zitter, S Dupré, M Tryon, MN Çağatay, BM de Lépinay, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 274 (1-2), 34-39, 2008
Airborne hyperspectral data to assess suspended particulate matter and aquatic vegetation in a shallow and turbid lake
C Giardino, M Bresciani, E Valentini, L Gasperini, R Bolpagni, VE Brando
Remote Sensing of Environment 157, 48-57, 2015
Mantle thermal pulses below the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and temporal variations in the formation of oceanic lithosphere
E Bonatti, M Ligi, D Brunelli, A Cipriani, P Fabretti, V Ferrante, L Gasperini, ...
Nature 423 (6939), 499-505, 2003
Holocene slip rate of the North Anatolian Fault beneath the Sea of Marmara
A Polonia, L Gasperini, A Amorosi, E Bonatti, G Bortoluzzi, N Cagatay, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 227 (3-4), 411-426, 2004
Late Pleistocene–Holocene evolution of the northern shelf of the Sea of Marmara
MN Çağatay, K Eriş, WBF Ryan, Ü Sancar, A Polonia, S Akçer, D Biltekin, ...
Marine Geology 265 (3-4), 87-100, 2009
Mediterranean megaturbidite triggered by the AD 365 Crete earthquake and tsunami
A Polonia, E Bonatti, A Camerlenghi, RG Lucchi, G Panieri, L Gasperini
Scientific reports 3 (1), 1285, 2013
The Ionian and Alfeo–Etna fault zones: New segments of an evolving plate boundary in the central Mediterranean Sea?
A Polonia, L Torelli, A Artoni, M Carlini, C Faccenna, L Ferranti, ...
Tectonophysics 675, 69-90, 2016
Possible tsunami signatures from an integrated study in the Augusta Bay offshore (Eastern Sicily—Italy)
A Smedile, PM De Martini, D Pantosti, L Bellucci, P Del Carlo, L Gasperini, ...
Marine Geology 281 (1-4), 1-13, 2011
The tephra record from the Sea of Marmara for the last ca. 70 ka and its palaeoceanographic implications
MN Çağatay, S Wulf, Ü Sancar, A Özmaral, L Vidal, P Henry, O Appelt, ...
Marine Geology 361, 96-110, 2015
SeisPrho: an interactive computer program for processing and interpretation of high-resolution seismic reflection profiles
L Gasperini, G Stanghellini
Computers & Geosciences 35 (7), 1497-1507, 2009
Oceanic broad multifault transform plate boundaries
M Ligi, E Bonatti, L Gasperini, ANB Poliakov
Geology 30 (1), 11-14, 2002
North Anatolian Fault in the Gulf of Izmit (Turkey): Rapid vertical motion in response to minor bends of a nonvertical continental transform
MH Cormier, L Seeber, CMG McHugh, A Polonia, N Çagatay, Ö Emre, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 111 (B4), 2006
Geological slip rates along the North Anatolian Fault in the Marmara region
L Gasperini, A Polonia, MN Çağatay, G Bortoluzzi, V Ferrante
Tectonics 30 (6), 2011
Flexural uplift of a lithospheric slab near the Vema transform (Central Atlantic): Timing and mechanisms
E Bonatti, D Brunelli, WR Buck, A Cipriani, P Fabretti, V Ferrante, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 240 (3-4), 642-655, 2005
Lower Cretaceous deposits trapped near the equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge
E Bonatti, M Ligi, AM Borsetti, L Gasperini, A Negri, R Sartori
Nature 380 (6574), 518-520, 1996
A possible impact crater for the 1908 Tunguska Event
L Gasperini, F Alvisi, G Biasini, E Bonatti, G Longo, M Pipan, M Ravaioli, ...
Terra Nova 19 (4), 245-251, 2007
Turbidite paleoseismology in the Calabrian Arc subduction complex (Ionian Sea)
A Polonia, G Panieri, L Gasperini, G Gasparotto, LG Bellucci, L Torelli
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 14 (1), 112-140, 2013
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