Fabrizio Cesaroni
Fabrizio Cesaroni
Department of Economics, University of Messina, Messina (Italy)
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Visualizing the structure and bridges of the intellectual property management and strategy literature: a document co-citation analysis
FP Appio, F Cesaroni, A Di Minin
Scientometrics 101, 623-661, 2014
Corporate governance and sustainability: A review of the existing literature
V Naciti, F Cesaroni, L Pulejo
Journal of Management and Governance, 1-20, 2022
The activities of university knowledge transfer offices: Towards the third mission in Italy
F Cesaroni, A Piccaluga
The Journal of Technology Transfer 41, 753-777, 2016
Technological outsourcing and product diversification: do markets for technology affect firms’ strategies?
F Cesaroni
Research Policy 33 (10), 1547-1564, 2004
Distretti industriali e distretti tecnologici. Modelli possibili per il Mezzogiorno
F Cesaroni, A Piccaluga
Franco Angeli, 2003
Understanding the impact of intellectual capital on entrepreneurship: a literature review
A Crupi, F Cesaroni, A Di Minin
Journal of Intellectual Capital 22 (3), 528-559, 2021
Business models for developing smart cities. A fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis of an IoT platform
T Abbate, F Cesaroni, MC Cinici, M Villari
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 142, 183-193, 2019
Exploration and exploitation strategies in industrial R&D
F Cesaroni, AD Minin, A Piccaluga
Creativity and innovation Management 14 (3), 222-232, 2005
Small-and medium-scale Italian winemaking companies facing the open innovation challenge
A Presenza, T Abbate, M Meleddu, F Cesaroni
International Small Business Journal 35 (3), 327-348, 2017
Enacting social crowdfunding business ecosystems: The case of the platform Meridonare
A Presenza, T Abbate, F Cesaroni, FP Appio
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 143, 190-201, 2019
The chemical sectoral system: firms, markets, institutions and the processes of knowledge creation and diffusion
F Cesaroni, A Gambardella, W Garcia-Fontes, M Mariani
Sectoral systems of innovation: concepts, issues and analyses of six major …, 2004
Environmental Technologies in the European Chemical Industry
R Arduini, F Cesaroni
LEM Papers Series, 2001
Technology strategies in the knowledge economy: the licensing activity of Himont
F Cesaroni
International Journal of Innovation Management 7, 223-245, 2003
Capturing the real value of patent analysis for R&D strategies
D Baglieri, F Cesaroni
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 25 (8), 971-986, 2013
Universities and intellectual property rights in Southern European countries
F Cesaroni, A Piccaluga
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 17 (4), 497-518, 2005
Knowledge transfer from universities to low- and medium-technology industries: evidence from Italian winemakers
T Abbate, F Cesaroni, A Presenza
The Journal of Technology Transfer,, 2020
Patenting Activity of European Universities. Relevant? Growing? Useful?
F Cesaroni, A Piccaluga
conference ‘Rethinking Science Policy: Analytical Frameworks for Evidence …, 2002
Le imprese spin-off della ricerca in Italia: modelli di sviluppo e percorsi di crescita
F Cesaroni, P Moscara, A Piccaluga
Piccola Impresa-Small Business, 81-128, 2005
R&D, innovation and competitiveness in the European chemical industry
F Cesaroni, A Gambardella, W Garcia-Fontes
Springer US, 2004
New strategic goals and organizational solutions in large R&D labs: lessons from Centro Ricerche Fiat and Telecom Italia Lab
F Cesaroni, AD Minin, A Piccaluga
R&D Management 34 (1), 45-56, 2004
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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