Gino Cattani
Gino Cattani
The Stern School of Business - New York University
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A core/periphery perspective on individual creative performance: Social networks and cinematic achievements in the Hollywood film industry
G Cattani, S Ferriani
Organization science 19 (6), 824-844, 2008
Insiders, outsiders, and the struggle for consecration in cultural fields: A core-periphery perspective
G Cattani, S Ferriani, PD Allison
American Sociological Review 79 (2), 258-281, 2014
Competitive implications of interfirm mobility
FC Wezel, G Cattani, JM Pennings
Organization Science 17 (6), 691-709, 2006
The relational antecedents of project-entrepreneurship: Network centrality, team composition and project performance
S Ferriani, G Cattani, C Baden-Fuller
Research policy 38 (10), 1545-1558, 2009
Preadaptation, firm heterogeneity, and technological performance: A study on the evolution of fiber optics, 1970–1995
G Cattani
Organization Science 16 (6), 563-580, 2005
Technological pre-adaptation, speciation, and emergence of new technologies: how Corning invented and developed fiber optics
G Cattani
Industrial and Corporate Change 15 (2), 285-318, 2006
Categories and competition
G Cattani, JF Porac, H Thomas
Strategic Management Journal 38 (1), 64-92, 2017
The structure of consensus: Network ties, legitimation, and exit rates of US feature film producer organizations
G Cattani, S Ferriani, G Negro, F Perretti
Administrative Science Quarterly 53 (1), 145-182, 2008
Project-based organizing and strategic management: A long-term research agenda on temporary organizational forms
G Cattani, S Ferriani, L Frederiksen, F Täube
Project-based organizing and strategic management, xv-xxxix, 2011
The value of moderate obsession: Insights from a new model of organizational search
SG Winter, G Cattani, A Dorsch
Organization Science 18 (3), 403-419, 2007
Exaptation as source of creativity, innovation, and diversity: Introduction to the special section
P Andriani, G Cattani
Industrial and Corporate Change 25 (1), 115-131, 2016
Deconstructing the outsider puzzle: The legitimation journey of novelty
G Cattani, S Ferriani, A Lanza
Organization Science 28 (6), 965-992, 2017
Value creation and knowledge loss: The case of Cremonese stringed instruments
G Cattani, RLM Dunbar, Z Shapira
Organization Science 24 (3), 813-830, 2013
Spatial and temporal heterogeneity in founding patterns
G Cattani, JM Pennings, FC Wezel
Organization Science 14 (6), 670-685, 2003
Start with “Why,” but only if you have to: The strategic framing of novel ideas across different audiences
D Falchetti, G Cattani, S Ferriani
Strategic Management Journal 43 (1), 130-159, 2022
How commitment to craftsmanship leads to unique value: Steinway & Sons’ differentiation strategy
G Cattani, RLM Dunbar, Z Shapira
Strategy Science 2 (1), 13-38, 2017
Competitive sensemaking in value creation and capture
G Cattani, D Sands, J Porac, J Greenberg
Strategy Science 3 (4), 632-657, 2018
Tackling the “Galácticos” effect: Team familiarity and the performance of star-studded projects
G Cattani, S Ferriani, MM Mariani, S Mengoli
Industrial and Corporate Change 22 (6), 1629-1662, 2013
An evolutionary view of internationalization: Chase Manhattan Bank, 1917 to 1996
G Cattani, AE Tschoegl
Philadelphia, PA: The Wharton Financial Institutions Center, 2002
Creativity in social networks
G Cattani, S Ferriani, M Colucci
The Oxford handbook of creative industries 2, 75-95, 2015
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20