Giovanni Strona
Giovanni Strona
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The European Atlas of Forest Tree Species: modelling, data and information on forest tree species
D De Rigo, G Caudullo, T Houston Durrant, J San-Miguel-Ayanz
European atlas of forest tree species, 40-45, 2016
A fast and unbiased procedure to randomize ecological binary matrices with fixed row and column totals
G Strona, D Nappo, F Boccacci, S Fattorini, J San-Miguel-Ayanz
Nature communications 5 (1), 4114, 2014
A global parasite conservation plan
CJ Carlson, S Hopkins, KC Bell, J Doña, SS Godfrey, ML Kwak, ...
Biological Conservation 250, 108596, 2020
EU-Forest, a high-resolution tree occurrence dataset for Europe
A Mauri, G Strona, J San-Miguel-Ayanz
Scientific data 4 (1), 1-8, 2017
Past, present and future of host–parasite co-extinctions
G Strona
International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 4 (3), 431-441, 2015
Network analysis reveals why Xylella fastidiosa will persist in Europe
G Strona, CJ Carstens, PSA Beck
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 71, 2017
Co-extinctions annihilate planetary life during extreme environmental change
G Strona, CJA Bradshaw
Scientific reports 8 (1), 16724, 2018
Climate change reshuffles northern species within their niches
LH Antão, B Weigel, G Strona, M Hällfors, E Kaarlejärvi, T Dallas, ...
Nature Climate Change 12 (6), 587-592, 2022
Environmental change makes robust ecological networks fragile
G Strona, KD Lafferty
Nature Communications 7 (1), 12462, 2016
Nestedness for Dummies (NeD): a user friendly web interface for exploratory nestedness analysis
G Strona, P Galli, D Seveso, S Montano, S Fattorini
Journal of Statistical Software 59 (3), 2014
Mapping orangutan habitat and agricultural areas using Landsat OLI imagery augmented with unmanned aircraft system aerial photography
Z Szantoi, SE Smith, G Strona, LP Koh, SA Wich
International Journal of Remote Sensing 38 (8-10), 2231-2245, 2017
Assessing the potential distribution of insect pests: case studies on large pine weevil (H ylobius abietis L) and horse‐chestnut leaf miner (C ameraria ohridella) under present …
JI Barredo, G Strona, D De Rigo, G Caudullo, G Stancanelli, ...
EPPO Bulletin 45 (2), 273-281, 2015
Delineating reef fish trophic guilds with global gut content data synthesis and phylogeny
V Parravicini, JM Casey, NMD Schiettekatte, SJ Brandl, C Pozas-Schacre, ...
PLoS Biology 18 (12), e3000702, 2020
A comprehensive framework for the study of species co-occurrences, nestedness and turnover
W Ulrich, W Kryszewski, P Sewerniak, R Puchałka, G Strona, NJ Gotelli
Oikos, 2017
What can the parameters of the species–area relationship (SAR) tell us? Insights from Mediterranean islands
S Fattorini, PAV Borges, L Dapporto, G Strona
Journal of Biogeography 44 (5), 1018-1028, 2017
The species–area relationship: theory and application
TJ Matthews, KA Triantis, RJ Whittaker
Cambridge University Press, 2021
First report of coral diseases in the Republic of Maldives
S Montano, G Strona, D Seveso, P Galli
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 101 (2), 159-165, 2012
Towards a rigorous species delimitation framework for scleractinian corals based on RAD sequencing: the case study of Leptastrea from the Indo-Pacific
R Arrigoni, ML Berumen, KG Mariappan, PSA Beck, AM Hulver, ...
Coral Reefs 39, 1001-1025, 2020
Small room for compromise between oil palm cultivation and primate conservation in Africa
G Strona, SD Stringer, G Vieilledent, Z Szantoi, J Garcia-Ulloa, S A. Wich
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (35), 8811-8816, 2018
Fish parasites resolve the paradox of missing coextinctions
G Strona, P Galli, S Fattorini
Nature Communications 4 (1), 1718, 2013
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20