Pascotto Ernesto
Pascotto Ernesto
Servizi Veterinari - Dipartimento di Prevenzione - AULSS 2 Marca Trevigiana
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Encephalomyocarditis virus infection in an Italian zoo
E Canelli, A Luppi, A Lavazza, D Lelli, E Sozzi, AM Moreno Martin, ...
Virology journal 7, 1-7, 2010
Effect of dietary inclusion of whole ear corn silage on stomach development and gastric mucosa integrity of heavy pigs at slaughter
F Mason, E Pascotto, C Zanfi, M Spanghero
The Veterinary Journal 198 (3), 717-719, 2013
Synchrotron X-ray microscopy reveals early calcium and iron interaction with crocidolite fibers in the lung of exposed mice
L Pascolo, G Zabucchi, A Gianoncelli, G Kourousias, E Trevisan, ...
Toxicology letters 241, 111-120, 2016
Analysis of the helminthofauna of European wild cat in Friuli Venezia Giulia
P Beraldo, M Massimo, E Pascotto
Proceedings of XXVIII National Conference of the Italian Society of …, 2014
A new approach to outbreak management for bovine cystic echinococcosis cases in hypo-endemic areas
R Cassini, G Simonato, P Mulatti, S Ravagnan, P Danesi, E Pascotto, ...
Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports 16, 100269, 2019
Effect of physical form of whole ear corn silage (coarse vs wet milled) included at high dietary levels (30 vs 40% dry matter) on performance of heavy finishing pigs
D Capraro, C Zanfi, M Bassi, E Pascotto, S Bovolenta, M Spanghero
Animal Feed Science and Technology 198, 271-278, 2014
Morphological and chemical investigation of ovarian structures in a bovine model by contrast-enhanced X-ray imaging and microscopy
A Gianoncelli, G Sena Souza, G Kourousias, E Pascotto, P Tafforeau, ...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (4), 3545, 2023
Ferruginous bodies resolved by synchrotron XRF in a dog with peritoneal malignant mesothelioma
E Pascotto, A Gianoncelli, C Calligaro, T Marcuzzo, M Melato, C Rizzardi, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25, 35707-35714, 2018
Histopathological data of iron and calcium in the mouse lung after asbestos exposure
E Trevisan, G Zabucchi, L Pascolo, E Pascotto, C Casarsa, M Lucattelli, ...
Data in brief 6, 769-775, 2016
InfoFaunaFVG: a novel progressive web application for wildlife surveillance
P Tomè, S Pesaro, M Orioles, E Pascotto, A Cadamuro, M Galeotti
European Journal of Wildlife Research 69 (2), 38, 2023
Amnestus pusillus Uhler, 1876 new to Europe found in Italy (Heteroptera: Cydnidae)
P Dioli, E Pascotto, M Uliana
Fragmenta entomologica 53 (2), 419-422, 2021
Aspetti tossicologici ed epidemiologici dell’avvelenamento da rodenticidi negli Strigiformi (Strigiformes) e possibili risvolti gestionali
E Pascotto, M Maset, P Tomè
Atti 6° Convegno Faunisti Veneti. Supplemento al Bollettino del Museo di …, 2011
Difficulties and artefacts in cryo-fixation of ovarian tissues for X-ray fluorescence analyses
A Gianoncelli, K Vogel-Mikuš, M Salomé, E Pascotto, G Ricci, L Pascolo
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 38 (9), 1744-1750, 2023
Topographic distribution of gastritis in heavy pigs investigated by a geographic information system approach
SM Pascotto Ernesto, Capraro Diego, Tomè Paolo
Geospatial Health 11 (436), 221-223, 2016
Use of an open-source Geographic Information System-based method for topographic analysis of nodular cutaneous lesions in dogs.
E Pascotto, P Tomè, S Comazzi, G Marco, L Cornegliani
Veterinary Dermatology 25 (1), 2014
Cryopreservation of roe deer abomasal nematodes for morphological identification
P Beraldo, E Pascotto
FoliA PArAsitologicA 61 (1), 76, 2014
Dati gestionali e morfometrici del cinghiale, Sus scrofa, nelle Prealpi Trevigiane (Artiodactyla: Suidae)
S Busatta, E Pascotto, G Santarosa, R Codolo
Boll. Mus. civ. St. Nat. Venezia, suppl. al 58, 328-334, 2008
Is There Any Association between Intestinal Lymphoma and Coeliac-Like Disease in Prosimians? The Case of the Ring-Tailed Lemur (Lemur catta)
C Sandri, B Regaiolli, D Volpatti, E Pascotto
Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine 7 (12), 175-183, 2017
Indagine, tramite siti di attrazione, sulla distribuzione dei carnivori di media-piccola taglia nelle Prealpi orientali del Veneto: sviluppo di una metodica ripetibile.
A Spada, E Pascotto, F Dartora, AF Veneti
Atti del VII Convegno dei Faunisti Veneti, Verona, 15-16, 2014
First report of fatal Physaloptera sibirica infection in Eulemur macaco macaco in a Italian zoological park
P Beraldo, R Codolo, E Pascotto, D Guadagnini, W Magnone, C Sandri
Parassitologia 50, 172-172, 2008
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20