Veronica Perez-Rosas
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Automatic Detection of Fake News
V Pérez-Rosas, B Kleinberg, A Lefevre, R Mihalcea, 2017
Utterance-level multimodal sentiment analysis
V Pérez-Rosas, R Mihalcea, LP Morency
Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2013
Towards multimodal sarcasm detection (an _obviously_ perfect paper)
S Castro, D Hazarika, V Pérez-Rosas, R Zimmermann, R Mihalcea, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.01815, 2019
Deception detection using real-life trial data
V Pérez-Rosas, M Abouelenien, R Mihalcea, M Burzo
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM on international conference on multimodal …, 2015
Multimodal sentiment analysis of spanish online videos
VP Rosas, R Mihalcea, LP Morency
IEEE intelligent systems 28 (3), 38-45, 2013
Learning sentiment lexicons in spanish.
V Perez-Rosas, C Banea, R Mihalcea
LREC 12, 73, 2012
Experiments in open domain deception detection
V Pérez-Rosas, R Mihalcea
Proceedings of the 2015 conference on empirical methods in natural language …, 2015
Verbal and nonverbal clues for real-life deception detection
V Pérez-Rosas, M Abouelenien, R Mihalcea, Y Xiao, CJ Linton, M Burzo
Proceedings of the 2015 conference on empirical methods in natural language …, 2015
Cross-cultural deception detection
V Pérez-Rosas, R Mihalcea
Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2014
Detecting deceptive behavior via integration of discriminative features from multiple modalities
M Abouelenien, V Pérez-Rosas, R Mihalcea, M Burzo
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 12 (5), 1042-1055, 2016
Understanding and predicting empathic behavior in counseling therapy
V Pérez-Rosas, R Mihalcea, K Resnicow, S Singh, L An
Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2017
TikTok and prostate cancer: misinformation and quality of information using validated questionnaires
AJ Xu, J Taylor, T Gao, R Mihalcea, V Perez‐Rosas, S Loeb
Wiley Periodicals, Inc., 2021
Deception detection using a multimodal approach
M Abouelenien, V Pérez-Rosas, R Mihalcea, M Burzo
Proceedings of the 16th international conference on multimodal interaction …, 2014
Towards automatic detection of misinformation in online medical videos
R Hou, V Pérez-Rosas, S Loeb, R Mihalcea
2019 International conference on multimodal interaction, 235-243, 2019
What makes a good counselor? learning to distinguish between high-quality and low-quality counseling conversations
V Pérez-Rosas, X Wu, K Resnicow, R Mihalcea
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2019
Box of lies: Multimodal deception detection in dialogues
F Soldner, V Pérez-Rosas, R Mihalcea
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the …, 2019
Predicting Counselor Behaviors in Motivational Interviewing Encounters.
V Pérez-Rosas, R Mihalcea, K Resnicow, S Singh, L An, KJ Goggin, ...
EACL (1), 1128-1137, 2017
Multimodal deception detection using real-life trial data
MU Şen, V Perez-Rosas, B Yanikoglu, M Abouelenien, M Burzo, ...
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 13 (1), 306-319, 2020
Fake news: spread of misinformation about urological conditions on social media
S Loeb, J Taylor, JF Borin, R Mihalcea, V Perez-Rosas, N Byrne, ...
European urology focus 6 (3), 437-439, 2020
Counseling-style reflection generation using generative pretrained transformers with augmented context
S Shen, C Welch, R Mihalcea, V Pérez-Rosas
Proceedings of the 21th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on …, 2020
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20