Paul Phamduy
Paul Phamduy
New York University Polytechnic School of Engineering
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Large-scale particle image velocimetry from an unmanned aerial vehicle
F Tauro, C Pagano, P Phamduy, S Grimaldi, M Porfiri
IEEE/ASME Transactions On Mechatronics 20 (6), 3269-3275, 2015
Fish and robots swimming together in a water tunnel: robot color and tail-beat frequency influence fish behavior
G Polverino, P Phamduy, M Porfiri
PloS one 8 (10), e77589, 2013
Fish and robot dancing together: bluefin killifish females respond differently to the courtship of a robot with varying color morphs
P Phamduy, G Polverino, RC Fuller, M Porfiri
Bioinspiration & biomimetics 9 (3), 036021, 2014
Closed-loop control of zebrafish behaviour in three dimensions using a robotic stimulus
C Kim, T Ruberto, P Phamduy, M Porfiri
Scientific reports 8 (1), 657, 2018
Influence of robotic shoal size, configuration, and activity on zebrafish behavior in a free-swimming environment
S Butail, G Polverino, P Phamduy, F Del Sette, M Porfiri
Behavioural brain research 275, 269-280, 2014
An autonomous charging system for a robotic fish
P Phamduy, J Cheong, M Porfiri
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 21 (6), 2953-2963, 2016
Design and characterization of a miniature free-swimming robotic fish based on multi-material 3D printing
P Phamduy, MA Vazquez, C Kim, V Mwaffo, A Rizzo, M Porfiri
International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications 1, 209-223, 2017
Robotic fish: Design and characterization of an interactive idevice-controlled robotic fish for informal science education
P Phamduy, R LeGrand, M Porfiri
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 22 (1), 86-96, 2015
Communicating through touch: Macro fiber composites for tactile stimulation on the abdomen
P Phamduy, JR Rizzo, TE Hudson, M Torre, K Levon, M Porfiri
IEEE transactions on haptics 11 (2), 174-184, 2017
Swimming robots have scaling laws, too
Y Cha, J Laut, P Phamduy, M Porfiri
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 21 (1), 598-600, 2015
Controlling a robotic fish via a natural user interface for informal science education
P Phamduy, M DeBellis, M Porfiri
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 17 (12), 2328-2337, 2015
Interactive robotic fish: A tool for informal science learning and environmental awareness
P Phamduy, C Milne, M Leou, M Porfiri
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 22 (4), 90-95, 2015
Effect of squeeze air film damping on diffraction grating based bio-inspired MEMS directional microphone
S Han, A Ishfaque, P Phamduy, B Kim
Microsystem Technologies 26, 1203-1212, 2020
Fish-robot interactions in a free-swimming environment: effects of speed and configuration of robots on live fish
S Butail, G Polverino, P Phamduy, F Del Sette, M Porfiri
Bioinspiration, Biomimetics, and Bioreplication 2014 9055, 113-119, 2014
Miniature underwater robotic fish for animal-robot interactions
P Phamduy, M Vazquez, A Rizzo, M Porfiri
Dynamic Systems and Control Conference 50701, V002T17A009, 2016
An interactive robotic fish exhibit for designed settings in informal science learning
P Phamduy, M Leou, C Milne, M Porfiri
IEEE Transactions on Education 60 (4), 273-280, 2017
Robotic Fish to Aid Animal Behavior Studies and Informal Science Learning
P Phamduy
Polytechnic Institute of New York University, 2017
Connecting cognitive domains of Bloom’s taxonomy and robotics to promote learning in K-12 environment
J Muldoon, PT Phamduy, R Le Grand, V Kapila, MG Iskander
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 23.329. 1-23.329. 33, 2013
Robotic fish: swimming outside the school to aid informal science education
P Phamduy, M Porfiri
Mechanical Engineering-CIME 137 (3), S17-S17, 2015
Microcapsules containing solvent and epoxy with multi-walled carbon nanotubes for self-healing
P Phamduy, B Kim
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 46583 …, 2014
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