Christian Gentry
Christian Gentry
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Bright circularly polarized soft X-ray high harmonics for X-ray magnetic circular dichroism
T Fan, P Grychtol, R Knut, C Hernández-García, DD Hickstein, D Zusin, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (46), 14206-14211, 2015
Non-collinear generation of angularly isolated circularly polarized high harmonics
DD Hickstein, FJ Dollar, P Grychtol, JL Ellis, R Knut, C Hernández-García, ...
Nature Photonics 9 (11), 743-750, 2015
Controlling the polarization and vortex charge of attosecond high-harmonic beams via simultaneous spin–orbit momentum conservation
KM Dorney, L Rego, NJ Brooks, J San Román, CT Liao, JL Ellis, D Zusin, ...
Nature photonics 13 (2), 123-130, 2019
Strong-field ionization with two-color circularly polarized laser fields
CA Mancuso, DD Hickstein, P Grychtol, R Knut, O Kfir, XM Tong, F Dollar, ...
Physical Review A 91 (3), 031402, 2015
Critical behavior within 20 fs drives the out-of-equilibrium laser-induced magnetic phase transition in nickel
P Tengdin, W You, C Chen, X Shi, D Zusin, Y Zhang, C Gentry, A Blonsky, ...
Science advances 4 (3), eaap9744, 2018
Tomographic reconstruction of circularly polarized high-harmonic fields: 3D attosecond metrology
C Chen, Z Tao, C Hernández-García, P Matyba, A Carr, R Knut, O Kfir, ...
Science Advances 2 (2), e1501333, 2016
Helicity-selective enhancement and polarization control of attosecond high harmonic waveforms driven by bichromatic circularly polarized laser fields
KM Dorney, JL Ellis, C Hernández-García, DD Hickstein, CA Mancuso, ...
Physical Review Letters 119 (6), 063201, 2017
Controlling nonsequential double ionization in two-color circularly polarized femtosecond laser fields
CA Mancuso, KM Dorney, DD Hickstein, JL Chaloupka, JL Ellis, FJ Dollar, ...
Physical Review Letters 117 (13), 133201, 2016
Controlling electron-ion rescattering in two-color circularly polarized femtosecond laser fields
CA Mancuso, DD Hickstein, KM Dorney, JL Ellis, E Hasović, R Knut, ...
Physical review A 93 (5), 053406, 2016
Revealing the nature of the ultrafast magnetic phase transition in Ni by correlating extreme ultraviolet magneto-optic and photoemission spectroscopies
W You, P Tengdin, C Chen, X Shi, D Zusin, Y Zhang, C Gentry, A Blonsky, ...
Physical review letters 121 (7), 077204, 2018
Direct light–induced spin transfer between different elements in a spintronic Heusler material via femtosecond laser excitation
P Tengdin, C Gentry, A Blonsky, D Zusin, M Gerrity, L Hellbrück, ...
Science advances 6 (3), eaaz1100, 2020
High harmonics with spatially varying ellipticity
JL Ellis, KM Dorney, DD Hickstein, NJ Brooks, C Gentry, ...
Optica 5 (4), 479-485, 2018
X-ray linear dichroic ptychography
YH Lo, J Zhou, A Rana, D Morrill, C Gentry, B Enders, YS Yu, CY Sun, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (3), e2019068118, 2021
Direct measurement of the static and transient magneto-optical permittivity of cobalt across the entire -edge in reflection geometry by use of polarization scanning
D Zusin, PM Tengdin, M Gopalakrishnan, C Gentry, A Blonsky, M Gerrity, ...
Physical Review B 97 (2), 024433, 2018
Phase matching of noncollinear sum and difference frequency high harmonic generation above and below the critical ionization level
JL Ellis, KM Dorney, CG Durfee, C Hernández-García, F Dollar, ...
Optics express 25 (9), 10126-10144, 2017
Ultrafast perturbation of magnetic domains by optical pumping in a ferromagnetic multilayer
D Zusin, E Iacocca, L Le Guyader, AH Reid, WF Schlotter, TM Liu, ...
Physical Review B 106 (14), 144422, 2022
Inhomogeneous magnon scattering during ultrafast demagnetization
R Knut, EK Delczeg-Czirjak, S Jana, JM Shaw, HT Nembach, Y Kvashnin, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.10994, 2018
Influence of microscopic and macroscopic effects on attosecond pulse generation using two-color laser fields
C Chen, C Hernández-García, Z Tao, W You, Y Zhang, D Zusin, C Gentry, ...
Optics Express 25 (23), 28684-28696, 2017
A beamline for ultrafast extreme ultraviolet magneto-optical spectroscopy in reflection near the shot noise limit
PC Johnsen, SA Ryan, C Gentry, A Grafov, H Kapteyn, M Murnane
Review of Scientific Instruments 94 (3), 2023
Bright, single helicity, high harmonics driven by mid-infrared bicircular laser fields
KM Dorney, T Fan, QLD Nguyen, JL Ellis, DD Hickstein, N Brooks, ...
Optics Express 29 (23), 38119-38128, 2021
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Articles 1–20