Giada Lettieri
Giada Lettieri
IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca
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A novel task assessing intention and emotion attribution: Italian standardization and normative data of the Story-based Empathy Task
A Dodich, C Cerami, N Canessa, C Crespi, S Iannaccone, A Marcone, ...
Neurological Sciences 36, 1907-1912, 2015
Differential impairment of cognitive and affective mentalizing abilities in neurodegenerative dementias: evidence from behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia, Alzheimer …
A Dodich, C Cerami, C Crespi, N Canessa, G Lettieri, S Iannaccone, ...
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 50 (4), 1011-1022, 2016
Emotionotopy in the human right temporo-parietal cortex
G Lettieri, G Handjaras, E Ricciardi, A Leo, P Papale, M Betta, P Pietrini, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 5568, 2019
Different FDG-PET metabolic patterns at single-subject level in the behavioral variant of fronto-temporal dementia
C Cerami, A Dodich, G Lettieri, S Iannaccone, G Magnani, A Marcone, ...
Cortex 83, 101-112, 2016
The case for preregistering all region of interest (ROI) analyses in neuroimaging research
C Gentili, L Cecchetti, G Handjaras, G Lettieri, IA Cristea
European Journal of Neuroscience 53 (2), 357-361, 2021
ROI and phobias: The effect of ROI approach on an ALE meta‐analysis of specific phobias
C Gentili, S Messerotti Benvenuti, G Lettieri, C Costa, L Cecchetti
Human brain mapping 40 (6), 1814-1828, 2019
Right limbic FDG-PET hypometabolism correlates with emotion recognition and attribution in probable behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia patients
C Cerami, A Dodich, S Iannaccone, A Marcone, G Lettieri, C Crespi, ...
PloS one 10 (10), e0141672, 2015
Default and control network connectivity dynamics track the stream of affect at multiple timescales
G Lettieri, G Handjaras, F Setti, EM Cappello, V Bruno, M Diano, A Leo, ...
Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 17 (5), 461-469, 2022
Emotion regulation failures are preceded by local increases in sleep-like activity
G Avvenuti, D Bertelloni, G Lettieri, E Ricciardi, L Cecchetti, P Pietrini, ...
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 33 (11), 2342-2356, 2021
Brain Hemodynamic Intermediate Phenotype Links Vitamin B12 to Cognitive Profile of Healthy and Mild Cognitive Impaired Subjects
L Cecchetti, G Lettieri, G Handjaras, A Leo, E Ricciardi, P Pietrini, ...
Neural Plasticity 2019 (1), 6874805, 2019
How male and female literary authors write about affect across cultures and over historical periods
G Lettieri, G Handjaras, E Bucci, P Pietrini, L Cecchetti
Affective Science 4 (4), 770-780, 2023
Dissecting abstract, modality-specific and experience-dependent coding of affect in the human brain
G Lettieri, G Handjaras, EM Cappello, F Setti, D Bottari, V Bruno, M Diano, ...
Science Advances 10 (10), eadk6840, 2024
Predictive value of electroencephalography connectivity measures for motor training outcome in multiple sclerosis: an observational longitudinal study.
C Tramonti, LS Imperatori, C Fanciullacci, G Lamola, G Lettieri, ...
European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 55 (6), 743-753, 2018
Information load dynamically modulates functional brain connectivity during narrative listening
R Mastrandrea, L Cecchetti, G Lettieri, G Handjaras, A Leo, P Papale, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 8110, 2023
The structure underlying core affect and perceived affective qualities of human vocal bursts
D Grollero, V Petrolini, M Viola, R Morese, G Lettieri, L Cecchetti
Cognition and Emotion 37 (1), 1-17, 2023
HABEMO: haptic bodily maps of emotions
G Lettieri, R Calce, O Collignon
The contribution of shape features and demographic variables to disembedding abilities
EM Cappello, G Lettieri, AP Malizia, S d’Arcangelo, G Handjaras, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 798871, 2022
A network-based hierarchical taxonomy of affect from language
G Lettieri, A Giannakopoulou, G Handjaras, E Bucci, P Pietrini, ...
Affective Science 3, 208-222, 2022
Visual experience shapes bodily representation of emotion.
G Lettieri, RP Calce, E Giraudet, O Collignon
Emotion, 2024
Brain structure reflects empathy and psychopathy in incarcerated males
MA Radecki, E Sampaolo, G Lettieri, G Handjaras, CL Harenski, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.06. 14.543399, 2023
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20