Fifteen years of ocean observations with the global Argo array SC Riser, HJ Freeland, D Roemmich, S Wijffels, A Troisi, M Belbéoch, ... Nature Climate Change 6 (2), 145-153, 2016 | 610 | 2016 |
Quality control and interpolations of WOCE-TOGA drifter data DV Hansen, PM Poulain Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 13 (4), 900-909, 1996 | 426 | 1996 |
Measurements of the water-following capability of holey-sock and TRISTAR drifters PP Niiler, AS Sybrandy, K Bi, PM Poulain, D Bitterman Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 42 (11-12), 1951-1964, 1995 | 405 | 1995 |
Adriatic Sea surface circulation as derived from drifter data between 1990 and 1999 PM Poulain Journal of Marine Systems 29 (1-4), 3-32, 2001 | 391 | 2001 |
Near‐surface circulation of the Nordic seas as measured by Lagrangian drifters PM Poulain, A Warn‐Varnas, PP Niiler Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 101 (C8), 18237-18258, 1996 | 375 | 1996 |
Physical oceanography of the Adriatic Sea: past, present and future B Cushman-Roisin, M Gacic, PM Poulain, A Artegiani Springer Science & Business Media, 2013 | 337 | 2013 |
Argo data 1999–2019: Two million temperature-salinity profiles and subsurface velocity observations from a global array of profiling floats APS Wong, SE Wijffels, SC Riser, S Pouliquen, S Hosoda, D Roemmich, ... Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 700, 2020 | 261 | 2020 |
Observations of Black Sea mesoscale eddies and associated horizontal mixing AG Zatsepin, AI Ginzburg, AG Kostianoy, VV Kremenetskiy, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 108 (C8), 2003 | 234 | 2003 |
Surface geostrophic circulation of the Mediterranean Sea derived from drifter and satellite altimeter data PM Poulain, M Menna, E Mauri Journal of Physical Oceanography 42 (6), 973-990, 2012 | 222 | 2012 |
Physical forcing and physical/biochemical variability of the Mediterranean Sea: a review of unresolved issues and directions for future research P Malanotte-Rizzoli, V Artale, GL Borzelli-Eusebi, S Brenner, A Crise, ... Ocean Science 10 (3), 281-322, 2014 | 195 | 2014 |
A mean dynamic topography of the Mediterranean Sea computed from altimetric data, in-situ measurements and a general circulation model MH Rio, PM Poulain, A Pascual, E Mauri, G Larnicol, R Santoleri Journal of Marine Systems 65 (1-4), 484-508, 2007 | 191 | 2007 |
Statistical analysis of the surface circulation in the California Current System using satellite-tracked drifters PM Poulain, PP Niiler Journal of Physical Oceanography 19 (10), 1588-1603, 1989 | 174 | 1989 |
Wind effects on drogued and undrogued drifters in the eastern Mediterranean PM Poulain, R Gerin, E Mauri, R Pennel Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 26 (6), 1144-1156, 2009 | 173 | 2009 |
The copernicus marine environment monitoring service ocean state report K Von Schuckmann, PY Le Traon, E Alvarez-Fanjul, L Axell, ... Journal of Operational Oceanography 9 (sup2), s235-s320, 2016 | 158 | 2016 |
Drifter observations of surface circulation in the Adriatic Sea between December 1994 and March 1996 PM Poulain Journal of Marine Systems 20 (1-4), 231-253, 1999 | 149 | 1999 |
On the relationship between the decadal oscillations of the northern Ionian Sea and the salinity distributions in the eastern Mediterranean M Gačić, G Civitarese, GL Eusebi Borzelli, V Kovačević, PM Poulain, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 116 (C12), 2011 | 146 | 2011 |
Transport properties in the Adriatic Sea as deduced from drifter data P Falco, A Griffa, PM Poulain, E Zambianchi Journal of Physical Oceanography 30 (8), 2055-2071, 2000 | 141 | 2000 |
Copernicus marine service ocean state report K von Schuckmann, PY Le Traon, N Smith, A Pascual, P Brasseur, ... Journal of Operational Oceanography 11 (sup1), S1-S142, 2018 | 134 | 2018 |
Surface circulation in the central Mediterranean Sea as deduced from Lagrangian drifters in the 1990s PM Poulain, E Zambianchi Continental Shelf Research 27 (7), 981-1001, 2007 | 130 | 2007 |
New high-tech flexible networks for the monitoring of deep-sea ecosystems J Aguzzi, D Chatzievangelou, S Marini, E Fanelli, R Danovaro, S Flögel, ... Environmental science & technology 53 (12), 6616-6631, 2019 | 125 | 2019 |