Elizabeth M Brannon
Elizabeth M Brannon
Professor of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania
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The evolution of self-control
EL MacLean, B Hare, CL Nunn, E Addessi, F Amici, RC Anderson, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (20), E2140-E2148, 2014
Functional imaging of numerical processing in adults and 4-y-old children
JF Cantlon, EM Brannon, EJ Carter, KA Pelphrey
PLoS biology 4 (5), e125, 2006
Ordering of the numerosities 1 to 9 by monkeys
EM Brannon, HS Terrace
Science 282 (5389), 746-749, 1998
Principles of cognitive neuroscience
D Purves, R Cabeza, SA Huettel, ML Platt, KS LaBar, MG Woldorff
Sinauer Associates 83 (3), 757, 2013
Shared system for ordering small and large numbers in monkeys and humans
JF Cantlon, EM Brannon
Psychological science 17 (5), 401-406, 2006
Beyond the number domain
JF Cantlon, ML Platt, EM Brannon
Trends in cognitive sciences 13 (2), 83-91, 2009
Training the approximate number system improves math proficiency
J Park, EM Brannon
Psychological science 24 (10), 2013-2019, 2013
Number sense in infancy predicts mathematical abilities in childhood
A Starr, ME Libertus, EM Brannon
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (45), 18116-18120, 2013
The development of ordinal numerical knowledge in infancy
EM Brannon
Cognition 83 (3), 223-240, 2002
Re-visiting the competence/performance debate in the acquisition of the counting principles
M Le Corre, G Van de Walle, EM Brannon, S Carey
Cognitive psychology 52 (2), 130-169, 2006
Representation of the numerosities 1–9 by rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta).
EM Brannon, HS Terrace
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 26 (1), 31, 2000
How does cognition evolve? Phylogenetic comparative psychology
EL MacLean, LJ Matthews, BA Hare, CL Nunn, RC Anderson, F Aureli, ...
Animal cognition 15, 223-238, 2012
Monotonic coding of numerosity in macaque lateral intraparietal area
JD Roitman, EM Brannon, ML Platt
PLoS biology 5 (8), e208, 2007
The representation of numerical magnitude
EM Brannon
Current opinion in neurobiology 16 (2), 222-229, 2006
The neural development of an abstract concept of number
JF Cantlon, ME Libertus, P Pinel, S Dehaene, EM Brannon, KA Pelphrey
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 21 (11), 2217-2229, 2009
Basic math in monkeys and college students
JF Cantlon, EM Brannon
PLoS biology 5 (12), e328, 2007
Number bias for the discrimination of large visual sets in infancy
EM Brannon, S Abbott, DJ Lutz
Cognition 93 (2), B59-B68, 2004
Modeling the approximate number system to quantify the contribution of visual stimulus features
NK DeWind, GK Adams, ML Platt, EM Brannon
Cognition 142, 247-265, 2015
Malleability of the approximate number system: effects of feedback and training
NK DeWind, EM Brannon
Frontiers in human neuroscience 6, 68, 2012
The multisensory representation of number in infancy
KE Jordan, EM Brannon
Proceedings of the National academy of Sciences 103 (9), 3486-3489, 2006
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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