Rafael Peņaloza
Cited by
Cited by
Pinpointing in the Description Logic EL+
F Baader, R Penaloza, B Suntisrivaraporn
KI 2007: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 52-67, 2007
Axiom pinpointing in general tableaux
F Baader, R Penaloza
Journal of Logic and Computation 20 (1), 5-34, 2010
Automata-based axiom pinpointing
F Baader, R Penaloza
Journal of Automated Reasoning 45 (2), 91-129, 2010
Making repairs in description logics more gentle
F Baader, F Kriegel, A Nuradiansyah, R Penaloza Nyssen
Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Principles of …, 2018
Undecidability of fuzzy description logics
S Borgwardt, R Penaloza
Thirteenth International Conference on the Principles of Knowledge …, 2012
Repairing ontologies via axiom weakening
N Troquard, R Confalonieri, P Galliani, R Penaloza, D Porello, O Kutz
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 32 (1), 2018
The limits of decidability in fuzzy description logics with general concept inclusions
S Borgwardt, F Distel, R Peņaloza
Artificial Intelligence 218, 23-55, 2015
Image schema combinations and complex events
MM Hedblom, O Kutz, R Peņaloza, G Guizzardi
KI-Künstliche Intelligenz 33, 279-291, 2019
Axiom pinpointing in general tableaux
F Baader, R Penaloza
Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods: 16th …, 2007
Context-dependent views to axioms and consequences of semantic web ontologies
F Baader, M Knechtel, R Penaloza
Journal of Web Semantics 12, 22-40, 2012
On the undecidability of fuzzy description logics with GCIs and product t-norm
F Baader, R Peņaloza
International Symposium on Frontiers of Combining Systems, 55-70, 2011
A generic approach for large-scale ontological reasoning in the presence of access restrictions to the ontology’s axioms
F Baader, M Knechtel, R Peņaloza
The Semantic Web-ISWC 2009: 8th International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC …, 2009
The Complexity of Lattice-Based Fuzzy Description Logics: From to
S Borgwardt, R Peņaloza
Journal on Data Semantics 2 (1), 1-19, 2013
Understanding the complexity of axiom pinpointing in lightweight description logics
R Penaloza, B Sertkaya
Artificial Intelligence 250, 80-104, 2017
Are fuzzy description logics with general concept inclusion axioms decidable?
F Baader, R Peņaloza
Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ), 2011 IEEE International Conference on, 1735-1742, 2011
Automata can show PSPACE results for description logics
F Baader, J Hladik, R Penaloza
Information and Computation 206 (9-10), 1045-1056, 2008
Representing a reference foundational ontology of events in SROIQ
A Botti Benevides, JR Bourguet, G Guizzardi, R Peņaloza, JPA Almeida
Applied Ontology 14 (3), 293-334, 2019
On the complexity of axiom pinpointing in the EL family of description logics
R Peņaloza, B Sertkaya
The Bayesian Description Logic BEL
İİ Ceylan, R Peņaloza
Automated Reasoning, 480-494, 2014
Consistency reasoning in lattice-based fuzzy description logics
S Borgwardt, R Peņaloza
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 55 (9), 1917-1938, 2014
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Articles 1–20