Francesco De Luca
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Can social media improve stakeholder engagement and communication of Sustainable Development Goals? A cross-country analysis
F De Luca, L Iaia, A Mehmood, D Vrontis
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 177, 121525, 2022
Do investors value companies' mandatory nonfinancial risk disclosure? An empirical analysis of the Italian context after the EU Directive
S Veltri, F De Luca, HTP Phan
Business Strategy and the Environment 29 (6), 2226-2237, 2020
Legitimacy theory may explain the failure of global adoption of IFRS: the case of Europe and the US
F De Luca, J Prather-Kinsey
Journal of Management and Governance 22, 501-534, 2018
Does Structural Capital affect SDGs Risk-related Disclosure Quality? An empirical investigation of Italian large listed companies
F De Luca, A Cardoni, HTP Phan, E Kiseleva
Sustainability 12 (5), 1776, 2020
The “Walk” towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals: Does Mandated “Talk” through NonFinancial Disclosure Affect Companies’ Financial Performance?
HTP Phan, F De Luca, L Iaia
Sustainability 12 (6), 2324, 2020
Continuous auditing and data mining for strategic risk control and anticorruption: Creating “fair” value in the digital age
A Cardoni, E Kiseleva, F De Luca
Business Strategy and the Environment, 2020
Improving the global comparability of IFRS-based financial reporting through global enforcement: a proposed organizational dynamic
J Prather-Kinsey, F De Luca, HTP Phan
International Journal of Disclosure and Governance, 22, 2022
Investigating how board gender diversity affects environmental, social and governance performance: Evidence from the utilities sector
A Mehmood, F De Luca, H Quach
Utilities Policy 83, 101588, 2023
Il bilancio d'esercizio: principi, procedure, valutazioni
G Paolone, F De Luca
F. Angeli, 2011
How does non-interest income affect bank credit risk? Evidence before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
A Mehmood, F De Luca
Finance Research Letters 53, 103657, 2023
Non-financial Disclosure and Integrated Reporting
L Cinquini, F De Luca
Springer International Publishing, 2022
Stakeholder engagement and sdgs: The role of social media in the european context
A Mehmood, J Hajdini, L Iaia, F De Luca, G Sakka
EuroMed Journal of Business 18 (1), 111-128, 2023
Informativeness Assessment of Risk and Risk-Management Disclosure in Corporate Reporting: An Empirical Analysis of Italian Large Listed Firms
F De Luca, HTP Phan
Financial Reporting 2019 (2), 9-41, 2019
Mandatory and Discretional Non-financial Disclosure After the European Directive 2014/95/EU: An empirical analysis of Italian listed companies' behavior
F De Luca
Financial distress prediction in private firms: developing a model for troubled debt restructuring
A Mehmood, F De Luca
Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 2023
The impact of the financial crisis on earnings management: Empirical evidence from Italian and Spanish listed companies
F De Luca, F Paolone
Corporate, Ownership and Control 16 (2), 121-130, 2019
Il bilancio di esercizio, nella teorica evolutiva e nei principi applicativi
G Paolone, F De Luca
Collana di Studi e Ricerche Aziendali - Collana referata accreditata Aidea 5 …, 2018
Il percorso di convergenza tra IAS/IFRS e US GAAP: Il ruolo degli attori e del contesto di riferimento
F De Luca
G Giappichelli Editore, 2014
Evolution of the substance over form principle in the Italian GAAP from a comparative and international perspective
FD Luca, DD Berardino
International Journal of Critical Accounting 9 (4), 312-328, 2017
Financial Distress Pre-Warning Indicators: a Case Study on Italian Listed Companies
F De Luca, E Meschieri
Journal of Credit Risk 13 (1), 22, 2017
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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