Yang Wang
Yang Wang
Qunnect Inc (current); Rockefeller Univ, Joint Quantum Institute, NIST, Penn State, Fudan
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Single-qubit gates based on targeted phase shifts in a 3D neutral atom array
Y Wang, A Kumar, TY Wu, DS Weiss
Science 352 (6293), 1562-1565, 2016
Coherent addressing of individual neutral atoms in a 3D optical lattice
Y Wang, X Zhang, TA Corcovilos, A Kumar, DS Weiss
Physical review letters 115 (4), 043003, 2015
Dark state optical lattice with a subwavelength spatial structure
Y Wang, S Subhankar, P Bienias, M Łącki, TC Tsui, MA Baranov, ...
Physical review letters 120 (8), 083601, 2018
Nanoscale atomic density microscopy
S Subhankar, Y Wang, TC Tsui, SL Rolston, JV Porto
Physical Review X 9 (2), 021002, 2019
3D projection sideband cooling
X Li, TA Corcovilos, Y Wang, DS Weiss
Physical review letters 108 (10), 103001, 2012
Microcontroller based scanning transfer cavity lock for long-term laser frequency stabilization
S Subhankar, A Restelli, Y Wang, SL Rolston, JV Porto
Review of Scientific Instruments 90 (4), 2019
Realization of a stroboscopic optical lattice for cold atoms with subwavelength spacing
TC Tsui, Y Wang, S Subhankar, JV Porto, SL Rolston
Physical Review A 101 (4), 041603, 2020
Field-deployable Quantum Memory for Quantum Networking
Y Wang, AN Craddock, R Sekelsky, M Flament, M Namazi
Physics Review Applied 18 (4), 044058, 2022
Floquet engineering of optical lattices with spatial features and periodicity below the diffraction limit
S Subhankar, P Bienias, P Titum, TC Tsui, Y Wang, AV Gorshkov, ...
New Journal of Physics 21 (11), 113058, 2019
Coherent optical nanotweezers for ultracold atoms
P Bienias, S Subhankar, Y Wang, TC Tsui, F Jendrzejewski, T Tiecke, ...
Physical Review A 102 (1), 013306, 2020
High-rate subgigahertz-linewidth bichromatic entanglement source for quantum networking
AN Craddock, Y Wang, F Giraldo, R Sekelsky, M Flament, M Namazi
Physical Review Applied 21 (3), 034012, 2024
A room-temperature field-deployable quantum memory for quantum repeater schemes
Y Wang, A Craddock, R Sekelsky, M Flament, M Namazi
Quantum Computing, Communication, and Simulation II 12015, 38-42, 2022
single qubit addressing
Y Wang
Penn State University, 2016
Systems and methods for performing quantum telecommunications using a bichromatic entanglement source
M Namazi, M Flament, Y Wang, A Craddock, R Sekelsky, A Richardson
US Patent App. 18/274,865, 2024
High fidelity storage and retrieval of quantum information in a warm atomic vapor cell device
M Namazi, M Flament, Y Wang, A Craddock
US Patent US20240045144A1, 2024
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