Ronnel B. King
Cited by
Cited by
Perseverance counts but consistency does not! Validating the short grit scale in a collectivist setting
JAD Datu, JPM Valdez, RB King
Current Psychology 35, 121-130, 2016
Self-esteem and subjective well-being revisited: The roles of personal, relational, and collective self-esteem
H Du, RB King, P Chi
PloS one 12 (8), e0183958, 2017
Culture's consequences on student motivation: Capturing cross-cultural universality and variability through personal investment theory
RB King, DM McInerney
Educational psychologist 49 (3), 175-198, 2014
Sense of relatedness boosts engagement, achievement, and well-being: A latent growth model study
RB King
Contemporary Educational Psychology 42, 26-38, 2015
Psychological capital bolsters motivation, engagement, and achievement: Cross-sectional and longitudinal studies
JAD Datu, RB King, JPM Valdez
The Journal of Positive Psychology 13 (3), 260-270, 2018
Higher education student engagement scale (HESES): Development and psychometric evidence
KCH Zhoc, BJ Webster, RB King, JCH Li, TSH Chung
Research in Higher Education 60, 219-244, 2019
Positive affect catalyzes academic engagement: Cross-sectional, longitudinal, and experimental evidence
RB King, DM McInerney, FA Ganotice Jr, JB Villarosa
Learning and individual differences 39, 64-72, 2015
Exploring commitment and turnover intentions among teachers: What we can learn from Hong Kong teachers
DM McInerney, FA Ganotice Jr, RB King, HW Marsh, AJS Morin
Teaching and Teacher Education 52, 11-23, 2015
How you think about your intelligence determines how you feel in school: The role of theories of intelligence on academic emotions
RB King, DM McInerney, DA Watkins
Learning and Individual Differences 22 (6), 814-819, 2012
How does prior knowledge influence learning engagement? The mediating roles of cognitive load and help-seeking
A Dong, MSY Jong, RB King
Frontiers in psychology 11, 591203, 2020
Grit is associated with lower depression via meaning in life among Filipino high school students
JAD Datu, RB King, JPM Valdez, MSM Eala
Youth & Society 51 (6), 865-876, 2019
Placing hope in self and others: Exploring the relationships among self-construals, locus of hope, and adjustment
H Du, RB King
Personality and Individual Differences 54 (3), 332-337, 2013
Subjective well-being is reciprocally associated with academic engagement: A two-wave longitudinal study
JAD Datu, RB King
Journal of school psychology 69, 100-110, 2018
The work avoidance goal construct: Examining its structure, antecedents, and consequences
RB King, DM McInerney
Contemporary Educational Psychology 39 (1), 42-58, 2014
Emotional intelligence (EI) and self‐directed learning: Examining their relation and contribution to better student learning outcomes in higher education
KCH Zhoc, TSH Chung, RB King
British Educational Research Journal 44 (6), 982-1004, 2018
Competitiveness is not that bad… at least in the East: Testing the hierarchical model of achievement motivation in the Asian setting
RB King, DM McInerney, DA Watkins
International journal of intercultural relations 36 (3), 446-457, 2012
High self-control predicts more positive emotions, better engagement, and higher achievement in school
RB King, MJM Gaerlan
European journal of psychology of education 29, 81-100, 2014
Teachers’ commitment and psychological well-being: Implications of self-beliefs for teaching in Hong Kong
DM McInerney, FA Ganotice, RB King, AJS Morin, HW Marsh
Educational Psychology 35 (8), 926-945, 2015
Emotionally intelligent students are more engaged and successful: examining the role of emotional intelligence in higher education
KCH Zhoc, RB King, TSH Chung, J Chen
European Journal of Psychology of Education 35 (4), 839-863, 2020
Studying for the sake of others: The role of social goals on academic engagement
RB King, DM McInerney, DA Watkins
Educational Psychology 32 (6), 749-776, 2012
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Articles 1–20