Extreme right parties in Western Europe P Ignazi Oxford University Press, USA, 2003 | 1830 | 2003 |
The silent counter‐revolution: Hypotheses on the emergence of extreme right‐wing parties in Europe P Ignazi European journal of political research 22 (1), 3-34, 1992 | 1609 | 1992 |
The crisis of parties and the rise of new political parties P Ignazi Party Politics 2 (4), 549-566, 1996 | 460 | 1996 |
Il polo escluso: profilo del Movimento Sociale Italiano P Ignazi (No Title), 1989 | 296 | 1989 |
L'estrema destra in Europa P Ignazi (No Title), 1994 | 261 | 1994 |
Party and democracy: The uneven road to party legitimacy P Ignazi Oxford University Press, 2017 | 195 | 2017 |
Postfascisti?: dal Movimento sociale italiano ad Alleanza nazionale P Ignazi (No Title), 1994 | 184 | 1994 |
The extreme right: defining the object and assessing the causes P Ignazi Shadows over Europe: The development and impact of the extreme right in …, 2002 | 167* | 2002 |
Dal Pci al Pds P Ignazi (No Title), 1992 | 151 | 1992 |
The four knights of intra-party democracy: A rescue for party delegitimation P Ignazi Party Politics 26 (1), 9-20, 2020 | 145 | 2020 |
Power and the (il) legitimacy of political parties: An unavoidable paradox of contemporary democracy? P Ignazi Party Politics 20 (2), 160-169, 2014 | 125 | 2014 |
Italian military operations abroad: just don't call it war P Ignazi, G Giacomello, F Coticchia Springer, 2012 | 125 | 2012 |
Legitimation and evolution on the Italian right wing: Social and ideological repositioning of Alleanza Nazionale and the Lega Nord P Ignazi South European Society & Politics 10 (2), 333-349, 2005 | 119 | 2005 |
New and old extreme right parties: the French Front National and the Italian Movimento Sociale P Ignazi, C Ysmal European Journal of Political Research 22 (1), 101-121, 1992 | 116 | 1992 |
Il potere dei partiti: la politica in Italia dagli anni Sessanta a oggi P Ignazi (No Title), 2002 | 110 | 2002 |
New challenges: Postmaterialism and the extreme right P Ignazi Developments in west European politics, 300-319, 1997 | 102 | 1997 |
Forza senza legittimità. Il vicolo cieco dei partiti P Ignazi Laterza, 2012 | 99 | 2012 |
I partiti italiani. Iscritti, dirigenti, eletti. L Bardi, P Ignazi, O Massari Università Bocconi Editore, 2007 | 96 | 2007 |
The intellectual basis of right‐wing anti‐partyism P Ignazi European Journal of Political Research 29 (3), 279-296, 1996 | 78 | 1996 |
The organization of political parties in Southern Europe P Ignazi, C Ysmal, K Lawson (No Title), 1998 | 71 | 1998 |