Nathan J. Hiller
Nathan J. Hiller
Professor of Management, Florida International University
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Conceptualizing executive hubris: the role of (hyper‐) core self‐evaluations in strategic decision‐making
NJ Hiller, DC Hambrick
Strategic Management Journal 26 (4), 297-319, 2005
The bright-side and the dark-side of CEO personality: examining core self-evaluations, narcissism, transformational leadership, and strategic influence.
CJ Resick, DS Whitman, SM Weingarden, NJ Hiller
Journal of applied psychology 94 (6), 1365, 2009
Collective enactment of leadership roles and team effectiveness: A field study
NJ Hiller, DV Day, RJ Vance
The Leadership Quarterly 17 (4), 387-397, 2006
Self-monitoring personality at work: A meta-analytic investigation of construct validity.
DV Day, DJ Shleicher, AL Unckless, NJ Hiller
Journal of Applied Psychology 87 (2), 390, 2002
Searching for outcomes of leadership: A 25-year review
NJ Hiller, LA DeChurch, T Murase, D Doty
Journal of Management 37 (4), 1137-1177, 2011
CEO Career Variety: Effects on Firm-level Strategic and Social Novelty
C Crossland, J Zyung, N Hiller, D Hambrick
Academy of Management Journal, 2013
Leadership across levels: Levels of leaders and their levels of impact
LA DeChurch, NJ Hiller, T Murase, D Doty, E Salas
The Leadership Quarterly 21 (6), 1069-1085, 2010
Work-unit absenteeism: Effects of satisfaction, commitment, labor market conditions, and time
JP Hausknecht, NJ Hiller, RJ Vance
Academy of management journal 51 (6), 1223-1245, 2008
Metacritiques of upper echelons theory: Verdicts and recommendations for future research
BH Neely Jr, JB Lovelace, AP Cowen, NJ Hiller
Journal of Management 46 (6), 1029-1062, 2020
Benevolence and authority as WEIRDly unfamiliar: A multi-language meta-analysis of paternalistic leadership behaviors from 152 studies
NJ Hiller, HP Sin, AR Ponnapalli, S Ozgen
The Leadership Quarterly, 2019
An examination of leadership beliefs and leadership self-identity: Constructs, correlates, and outcomes
NJ Hiller
The Pennsylvania State University, 2005
Different roles of shared and vertical leadership in promoting team creativity: Cultivating and synthesizing team members’ individual creativity
W He, P Hao, X Huang, L Li-Rong, NJ Hiller, SL Li
Personnel Psychology, 2019
Executive Leadership: CEOs, Top Management Teams, and Organizational-Level Outcomes
NJ Hiller, MM Beauchesne
The Oxford Handbook of Leadership and Organizations, 2014
LMX and teamwork: The challenges and opportunities of diversity
NJ Hiller, DV Day
Dealing with diversity, LMX leadership: The series 1, 29-57, 2003
Understanding and measuring shared leadership in work teams
NJ Hiller, DV Day, RJ Vance
(No Title), 2003
Individual differences and group negotiation: The role of polychronicity, dominance, and decision rule
S Mohammed, T Rizzuto, NJ Hiller, DA Newman, T Chen
Negotiation and Conflict Management Research 1 (3), 282-307, 2008
The Mindsets of a Leader
MA Maidique, NJ Hiller
MIT Sloan Management Review 59 (4), 2018
Leadership Competency Builder
N Hiller, SÖ Novelli, AR Ponnapalli
Economic assumptions and economic context: Implications for the study of leadership
NJ Hiller, RF Piccolo, SJ Zaccaro
The Leadership Quarterly 31 (3), 101352, 2020
CEO personality, demography and firm-level outcomes: A meta-analysis of upper echelons research
NJ Hiller, MM Beauchesne, D Whitman
Academy of Management Proceedings 2013 (1), 16369, 2013
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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